New Beginnings: Start Right!

2 intensive workgroup sessions in 2 weeks to clear your path
& help you materialize a just-right, expanded reality
with Penney Peirce & Kelly Stoks
January 20 and 27, 2022, 1-2:30pm ET
$75; early registration $60, through January 10th
Sessions are live on Zoom with replays
It’s a new year, a new month, a new day, a new you! Even though we begin cycles constantly, there is a particular power to this time of year. Our focus in this 2-part course/workgroup is to clarify and highlight an optimal way to begin the materialization of a reality that is just right for you. Just right means experience that:
• aligns with an updated sense of your purpose
• consistently facilitates joy and delight
• uses enthusiasm instead of willpower to move forward
• effortlessly brings you ideas that are a perfect fit
• evaporates shoulds, can’ts, won’ts, and yes-buts
This is a time of action—time to increase your scope, initiate creations you’ve hoped could be real, activate latent abilities that have been waiting in the wings, and take your talent, consciousness, and interconnectedness to higher levels. Let’s discover these things and how the new reality can feel—together!!
Bring a journal. Be prepared to share and ask for help, to be serious and have fun! The sessions include a variety of experiential exercises, eye-opening information, and pertinent discussion of key ideas.
You’ll come away with:
• tools you can use at any start-up point
• the clarity to access your vision and let it evolve
• the ability to materialize without “thinking it into form” with your left brain
• trust in the Flow and in yourself
• an attitude of fun concerning this new phase of your life
You are partnering with an innate power that resides within and everywhere around you. When your soul-self is able to flow through you unencumbered you have magical abilities and can create what you want. You have much more potential than you believe. You don’t need big goals and a detailed plan of action to “make something” of yourself! You’re already perfect! You don’t have to “attract” anything. Everything you need is already inside your bubble, available for the asking. If you imagine something, or have a nudge to do something, it’s meant for you.
Special offer! Penney and Kelly are each offering a 30-minute Laser Coaching session for a discounted rate of $55. You may purchase a single session with either of us or two sessions—one with each of us—to assist in implementing the material from the intensive. The course and one coaching session: $130. With 2 coaching sessions: $185.
Part 1: Beginners Mind, True Motivation, Fertile Field
January 20, 2022 – 1-2:30p ET
The first steps of a new journey are often symbolic of the whole journey. For that reason we want to examine any conditions that might limit what you can dream for yourself in this next phase of your life experience—and we want to help you dissolve those blind spots. We’re not so concerned in this first session with pinpointing goals and defining specifics as we are in establishing key moods, feelings states, energy dynamics, balance among activities, and ideal relationship experiences—the refinement of your inner energy blueprint. You’ll understand a new way of seeing reality and what’s possible, as well as a new way to move forward that doesn’t drain you.
Here’s some of what we’ll cover:
• What’s inherent in a good beginning.
• Resolutions, why they don’t work well, and where they hold truth.
• Unconscious shoulds, what’s been bothering you about yourself, your reality.
• What you assume will continue; what you sense may end; what you don’t need.
• What might transform into something else. What needs balance in your life.
• Spherical reality: A new way to see the world and what’s possible.
• Flowstate: A new way to move forward with your creativity and self-expression.
• Revise your reality, what do you-the-soul really want? What feeling states.
• What do you sense you’re “built for”? Your most accurate core goal and motive.
“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”
—Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginners Mind
Part 2: Imaginal Realm, Choices, Attention, Results
January 27, 2022 – 1-2:30p ET
Once you have the tactile and emotional sense of what you want your reality to feel and be like, we can access the visions, talents, and goals that exude naturally from who you are at heart. Feel the reality first and materialization follows! We’ll enter the imaginal realm first and look at the variables you’ve been combining to create your existing reality. How might you vary these, drop some, add others, find “new normals”?
What ideas are waiting right at the edge of your awareness, waiting to fill you with that spring-like blooming sensation? You’ll wake up to new possibilities, new aspects of yourself, a new sense of your “power to.” We will work with a new process of materializing realities based on attention and affection. The results you really want also want you!
Here’s some of what we’ll cover:
• A walk in the imaginal realm; trusting your right brain
• Imagining your expanded scope
• The variables you combine to create your realities, now and before
• Flushing up latent and hidden aspects of yourself
• Ideas on the edge of awareness—your “glimmers”
• Updating your inner energy blueprint
• Clarifying visions, wants, goals: weaving in new variables!
• Working with attention to test and make realities
• Double-check with feedback from the group
“The less clutter you have in your personal field, the faster you vibrate, and the faster the translation from imagination to form.”
—Penney Peirce, Leap of Perception

Penney is a crystal clear, inspiring teacher and master of intuitive skills, each class a transmission of high vibratory energy. She spends time listening to and helping each student, giving elegant, practical, encouraging advice. It is a great gift that her classes are so accessible.
As a small business owner I have many sources of stress, especially with staying afloat financially. After clearing some anxiety and fears, I was able to think more clearly and identify what to do next. Kelly used EFT and Matrix Reimprinting with me and I have found them to be truly amazing tools.
Through Kelly’s guidance and EFT practice, I’ve had several revelatory breakthroughs that have given me the clarity to challenge my fear-based thinking, the confidence to consider my value, and the strength to put in the work necessary to live a more fulfilling life. Kelly has an almost magical calm that helps put you at ease and allows you to open up to ideas and possibilities you may have never seen before.
Penney Peirce is wise, intelligent, and authentic. She has brought forward an impressive body of knowledge about understanding and negotiating different facets of the intuitive and vibrational world. Her work is greatly appreciated.
I appreciated Kelly’s kind heart, compassionate soul, and keen sense of listening. Kelly is quite intuitive and she offers a safe space to go deep into healing. She genuinely cares for your success.
Penney’s courses are anchored in openness, generosity, and positive movement. Content is tightly defined at times, very open when needed, and the exercises blend perfectly. I always end up with a renewed sense of self and a commitment to developing my intuition further.