Sep 30, 2010 | Uncategorized
To acknowledge this affinity between the air and awareness, however, is to allow this curious possibility: that the awareness that stirs within each of us is continuous with the wider awareness that moves all around us, bending the grasses and lofting the clouds.
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Sep 18, 2010 | Uncategorized
We don’t have to know the Plan in its every detail! The Plan evolves every millisecond and can’t be pinned down, doesn’t need to be pinned down. What we need to know and do comes to US, we don’t have to find IT.
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Sep 11, 2010 | One Voice in Many
The way we think sometimes doesn’t make much sense. When we feel weak, vulnerable, and insecure, we want others to be the same way. We seek agreement and common bonds. Yet when it comes to inspired self-expression and success, we want to feel unique and special and don’t want anyone else in the world to be like us. We look for our differences.
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