Oct 28, 2010 | Uncategorized
Holding a hot cup of coffee — or a freezing bowl of ice cream — can affect how you interact with people, according to researchers at Yale and the University of Colorado. Our sense of touch, they say, impacts our relationships.
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Oct 11, 2010 | One Voice in Many
Begin your day in a place of silence. Move out from there and return there when you feel the tension of frustration, unresolved emotion, or lack of answers. All tension is incompletion and in the moment, in the silence, you return to what is whole and complete. You return to personal truth. Ask in your heart to know the divine in everything.
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Oct 8, 2010 | Uncategorized
The soul brings with it the experience of The Sacred Heart; the exploded heart, the heartfield. As soul takes over, the heart expands so rapidly that it becomes not a thing, but an environment to live within.
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Oct 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
“We’re unraveling,” he said. “Battling our flaws only slows our release. We have to be people who demand honesty and courage, and that requires openness and humility—to walk the path of truth. At this time,” he continued, “there’s no room for anything that gets in the way of soul alignment. Anything that doesn’t bring us fully alive is too small for us. We cannot allow a diminishment of ourselves now.”
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