Dec 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
Randy Williams, an artist and professor, suggests trying “aesthetic meditation”—looking at objects with a concentrated focus. Experience your own visceral response to the object and at the same time, refrain from naming, categorizing, or describing it.
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Dec 11, 2010 | One Voice in Many
In my imagination, I step forward to commit myself in service before the enlightened beings. “Will you accept me?” I say. “Will you accept us?” they echo back. I see it is the same, we are the same. “They” will never tell me something I am not already telling myself.
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Dec 9, 2010 | Uncategorized
When I try to deal with the political craziness in the world with my mind alone, I get so frustrated that I feel like that old commercial where an egg is frying in a red-hot skillet: “This is your brain on drugs.” Except that it’s “This is your left brain on fear.”
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