On Dealing with Attacks

Be unconditionally present. Keep the Light in your eyes; it will see for you. Do not retract into righteous re-action: indignation, retaliation, revenge, hate. Do not narrow your eyes, harden your chest, leave your body. When you experience anything in unconditional presence, the other person is left alone with their actions and underlying thoughts. They may try to blame but they will not be able to project.

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Judging and Assessing Ourselves: Left Brain vs. Right Brain/Body/Heart

I repeatedly see that I, and my clients, say that we are “stuck” when we are simply identifying ourselves with the limited options provided by our left brain. We know there is a bigger reality close at hand. We know things are meant to be effortless, and so much easier. We know that we want a much more expanded experience of love. Yet we hesitate to leave an abusive mate, or a job where we are surrounded by people who don’t question reality, who don’t want greater depth.

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Healing with Secret Love

More and more lately, I’ve been experiencing the reality of the life force, and love, that exist inside supposedly inanimate objects. Everything is alive! Everything is full of love.

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One Voice in Many: Part 10

You are a loving child and a cocreator with the Divine, working from a higher plan. The Love of the Divine is actually YOUR love, since in the end, as evolution completes, you discover that you, and all beings, ARE the Divine. The experience of love as your core identity inheres in your nature and cannot be prevented from becoming conscious.

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