The Role of Ancient Teachings in the New Paradigm: Part 2

Ancient wisdom practices can be useful if we don’t get stuck in definitions and attribute the universal experience to special individuals. Just go deeper, trust yourself. You are the soul and you are the master teacher to your own personality. The key is to feel for ego, lack of fluidity, and either too much, or not enough, seriousness. Choose what feels just right, and notice when something begins to feel limiting.

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The Role of Ancient Teachings in the New Paradigm: Part 1

As we yearn for a larger explanation of what’s happening in the world today, many turn attention to the spiritual, esoteric teachings of ancient cultures—teachings that have been recorded by both priesthoods and mystics. These systems were ways of symbolizing and preserving universal experience so it could be duplicated for those to come, and to hide knowledge from those who might misuse it for personal gain. In times past, it was mainly those few in spiritual service who received the knowledge and discipline necessary to train their minds to experience “enlightenment.”

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The Evolution/Transformation Process: Part 10


In the final phase of the evolution process, we explore how good we can feel and how successful we can be when we’re living in the frictionless state, having fully integrated our body, mind, emotions, and soul together into one expression and merged with the world around us. We also explore how society may transform in a way that parallels our own growth, and what it’s really like to live in enlightened times.

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