I decided to write a haiku diary, one a day (not exactly perfectly aligned to haiku rules), as a sort of creativity and mindfulness practice. This covers the second of the 2 weeks I was working at Omega Institute and in Baltimore.
where did the technicolor moments
of my life go? still there and vibrant?
or down and out the wormhole?
this grey cat just stares
into my eyes with the
master’s unwavering gaze
waking to the natural light
of approaching dawn, my body
finds harmony again
did I say Thank You enough?
did I make your life just
the slightest bit easier?
thunder cracked right over
the house, loud as a bomb
broke me open
the crazy, the imprisoned ones, make art
make order and beauty
of their private hell
cicada song rolling
down the treeline and back
this repeating wave, their joy
I like apricots and cherries
the color is the flavor, I even
like the stone in the center
I am reminded again of the
infinite ways we make up life
of creativity’s awesome ease
flying home o’er the eastern states
below me, white and seamless,
a blanket of popcorn clouds
Copyright by Penney Peirce