I’m posting this newsletter from my friend Emanuel Kuntzelman.
In case you are feeling somewhat discombobulated or at the tipping point with your own patience due to the stress of a pandemic, political chaos, climate change and the breakdown of truth, there is hope on the horizon. It’s called the Holomovement. It is radical collaboration in action, founded in love, with a collective mission that continues to honor the autonomy of each of our diverse purpose-driven efforts.
American physicist David Bohm’s initial definition of the “holomovement” might have been focused on the cosmos, but it is a well of inspiration for how we can come together culturally and spiritually in a cohesive movement of cooperation. I proposed the idea that we use this term to describe the movement of movements towards evolving consciousness several years ago, but now its true time has come. We need a collective cultural shift toward honoring presence, rediscovering the beauty in nature and reflecting on purpose to prioritize what truly needs to get done.
In this global crisis, we can divide ourselves in despair or come together in determination to find solutions. There is a rising coherence around the world and the darker and more complicated the situation becomes, the more willing and ready people are to embrace a return to truth, beauty and goodness. The Holomovement represents the coalescing coherence of the millions of groups and organizations worldwide as they move towards common ground seeking unity, purpose, peace and higher consciousness. During these past few months, the Holomovement has been gaining momentum and I am encouraged that it will unify and empower this growing collective to continue serving the highest cause of humanity. I’ve shared a few links below if you are interested in learning more and connecting with this growing community.
Media Updates:
I’ve been honored to present and share the Holomovement and its unifying principles in a number of ways:
- Participated in a number of discussions during World Unity Week.
- Joined Humanity Rising’s panel discussion titled “The Superorganism Meets the Holomovement” alongside Jim Garrison, Terry Patten, Charles Eisenstein and Julie Krull.
- Presented a “Big Picture Initiatives” program on the July 15th Evolutionary Leaders Community Call.
- Co-facilitated Integral Transformative Practice’s recent “Ki of Cooperation” 4-part workshop incorporating the Holomovement.
- Co-wrote and contributed an essay to the Fall issue of Kosmos Journal, which gives a detailed description of the emerging properties of the movement.
Event Calendar:
Please save the dates for the Global Oneness Summit, organized by Humanity’s Team, happening online Oct. 16 – 24, 2021. I am humbled to be a featured presenter for the following talks:
- Tuesday, Oct. 19 / 10:15 a.m. Pacific: “Living Your Evolutionary Potential of Oneness”
Facilitated by Jude Currivan, we discuss personal experiences that have helped members of the panel discover the essence of our Oneness in our everyday lives. - Wednesday, Oct. 20 / 9:00 a.m. Pacific: “The Holomovement as the Crucible of Convergence for the Cosmic Self”
Rather than feel defeated or depressed by the chaos of these times, many small groups and organizations are emerging to find solutions to the challenges and restore civilization to its natural state of harmony. This sociological reaction we call the “Holomovement” is gaining strength and momentum with each day. Our panel explores the cosmological, psycho-spiritual and sociological implications of the once and future Holomovement. What are the core principles of the Holomovement? How will it foster the transformative change our society needs? How can we participate and become part of the solution? - Friday, Oct. 22 / 9:00 a.m. Pacific: “Trauma as a Portal to the Universal Self”
There are times when the shock of experiencing a trauma brings out the best in us and our response can become a transformative experience. Join me in a panel discussion with Amikaeyla Gaston, Dr. Marty K. Casey and Michael Sandler as they talk about their response to trauma in their lives and how they became stronger and even used the experience to build character and fortify their careers in life. Rather than defeating us, trauma can be converted into a portal to our Universal Self.
You can learn more and register for free here on the Global Oneness Summit event page.