I’ve been talking about subtle ways we hurt each other, and how, as we’re becoming ultrasensitive in this emerging Intuition Age, we are building more skill with our ability to read energy patterns, decipher preverbal, telepathic communication, and actually FEEL more of what’s going on under the surface.
When what’s expressed externally by another person doesn’t match what’s being thought internally by them, we can sense it now, more easily than ever before. Even these sorts of very subtle lies or misalignments, which can cause confusion, blockages of clarity, and suppression of energy expression, can be thought of as hurting others—and ourselves.
When we communicate clearly, though, and say what we’re feeling and thinking at our various levels, in a tactful way, we relieve the hidden tension, and this might be seen as an act of compassion. It allows the other people who are involved with us in relational agreements to reassess their position, and participants can then agree equally on a new inner blueprint. So too, when we say we’re going to do something, then don’t follow through, there is a damming up of energy that started flowing toward the goal, only to be stopped halfway there. This is a kind of pain. So keeping agreements is an act of compassion.
Similarly, when agreements are made about what the basis of a relationship will be and when one partner starts acting differently, this causes a subtle form of pain. Two people get together as friends to do business, for example, then one person sexualizes the connection and it puts a strain on the communication. Or, in a romantic partnership based on the desire both people have for transformation, when one partner decides he or she doesn’t want to change so fast, and retreats to old, controlling behaviors, this causes pain.
In effect these things are like betrayals:Â someone we trust acts in a way that makes us feel disrespected, undervalued, and ripped off. Plus, the inner energy pattern is out of alignment with the external actions, and results will materialize in a chaotic way because the energy can’t flow through cleanly. Whenever energy jams up artificially, there is pain.
Another example of this sort of thing concerns money and debt. When we borrow money from others with an agreement either pay it back or provide services or products of equal value, then default on the loan, the business deal, or declare bankruptcy, we cause a misalignment and block in the flow of energy (and consciousness). We not only have created a financial debt, but an energy debt. We’ve hoarded energy and not validated the reality that there is equal flow from and to us, and everyone. We’ve validated the reality that there is lack. And validating realities that are not in alignment with universal principles causes subtle forms of pain.
Anything that is out of harmony with universal laws causes pain, and eventually intensifies and builds into problems, stuck places, systemic breakdowns, and failure.
Part of this is pledging energy and attention to an outcome, then not following through and not communicating cleanly and honestly about why you chose to change the inner blueprint. When an inner blueprint is set, defined, and agreed upon, it tries to materialize. But when people shift midstream without CONSCIOUSLY shifting the inner blueprint, a lack of congruence arises, which feels painful in its confusion, confoundment, and contraction.
It creates deeply uncomfortable tension. When you set a process in motion then jump ship midstream, expect others to read your mind and adapt to your wishes, and let them clean up after you as if they don’t matter, this is a kind of cruelty.
When the defined inner blueprint (intent) doesn’t match action (expression), energy jams up. When energy doesn’t naturally flow in expansion-exploration-inspiration then contraction-focus-materialization cycles, we experience subtle pain.
 (to be continued)