The advantage of having life slow down is that the more subtle lessons, that I might normally gloss over, can knock me over the head with their brilliant love and humor.
I’ve had very few phone clients this month and when someone finally called to book an appointment, I was happy and grateful. Two days later, she cancelled, saying, “I don’t think I have any questions so it’s probably not a good time for me to have a session.” OK.
Literally 20 minutes later, one of my regular clients called. “I just finished meditating and got that I should call to see what you’re reading these days.” I told her and she said she didn’t think her book club would be interested in nonfiction. “But how are YOU?” she asked.
I humorously told her about the dearth of clients and she said, “Well, I have money right now, so why don’t I have a reading with you?” Oh, no—I said, but you are a sweetheart. “Yes!” she said, “I don’t have any questions right now but that’s probably the perfect time for me to have a session! I’ll send you a check. I said she could just pay me when she came for the appointment. She said, “I want to send it. I want you to feel that money is coming to you!”
Then, one of my women friends picked up, by the subtle tone of an email I sent her, that I was feeling a bit low. About 4pm my doorbell rang, and there she was, dressed in a gorgeous blouse with butterflies all over it, with 2 huge bunches of lush gold and purple flowers, a bottle of wine, and chocolate! “I thought you might need these,” she said—the understatement of the year.
It’s like Spirit is saying, just because we’ve put the world on pause momentarily for you, doesn’t mean we’re not here, or that we aren’t actively loving you. Just stay centered and in a state of peaceful joy. . .