A world-renowned expert intuitive and author talks about her practice of examining the happenings of everyday life for hidden meaning. You’ll find tips about intuition development, working with energy and personal vibration, the transformation process, dreamwork, future trends, design, writing, and leading consciousness ideas—along with interesting articles by thoughtful others.

The Holomovement
In case you are feeling somewhat discombobulated or at the tipping point with your own patience due to the stress of a pandemic, political chaos, climate change and the breakdown of truth, there is hope on the horizon. It’s called the Holomovement. It is radical collaboration in action, founded in love, with a collective mission that continues to honor the autonomy of each of our diverse purpose-driven efforts.
Penney Peirce’s 2021 Oracle Letter
So many people I talk to are wiping the sweat from their brow concerning the end—finally—to the most difficult year they’ve probably experienced in their whole life. In the physical world we lost loved ones, jobs, income, homes, businesses, and opportunities. Our health was under constant threat. It’s ironic that what materialized in our physical reality was so constrained and tight yet was counterbalanced by immense growth internally. We had a chance to stop being so distracted and fragmented by hyper-activity and unconscious habits so we could look at what we’d become used to as reality. Did we want that old pattern back again?
Seeing Through
Lately, I—and I imagine most of us—have felt somewhat restricted to a small reality. When I “be” with it, I sense I’ve been gestating something new, or rewiring myself in some invisible way, or needing to be house-centered as a way to remember to be in my body. The other day, walking took on a strange tactile oddness; it was as though I were pushing forward into a field of energy that had a different frequency and the “skin of it” was prickly and a bit springy. It was repelling me. After noticing it, the energy-reality I’d been in suddenly felt like it was surrounding me in a kind of slow dullness, making me feel that I didn’t want to do anything.
The 9 Stages of the Transformation Process: Stages 7-9
Personally, you take positive steps to act on your destiny impulses and find childlike joy in achieving results based on the soul’s wisdom. When you’re in the moment, in the heart, in the body, and connected to all knowledge, energy, resources, and collaborators, you understand the power of the unified field to help you materialize your visions.
The 9 Stages of the Transformation Process: Stages 4-6
Just as it looks like you might relieve yourself of the fear you’ve carried for years and heal emotional wounds once and for all, your ego—the aspect of your mind that’s rooted in fear and self-protection—steps in and screams, “I’m not ready to die!” It fights for preservation of the old difficult-but-familiar ways and vehemently avoids letting go and trusting.
The 9 Stages of the Transformation Process: Stages 1-3
As the spiritual frequency penetrates the physical world, which includes both the planet and your own physical body, it also saturates your mind and emotions. Your body revs to adapt to the higher vibration, which initially disturbs your comfort level. High-frequency energy activates both positive and negative emotions, which makes you more aware of them.
Thoughts on Police, Gangs & All Lives Matter
All this talk about defunding the police, needing fair police, needing to get rid of racist police, needing more police. Lots of blame, lots of punishment mentality swirling around, from both sides. I certainly can’t condone the brutality and gang mentality of some police, and I can’t condone the brutality and gang mentality of some people of color. Gangs with violence in their makeup are a perversion of the new Intuition Age norm of cocreation and group mind applied to solving world problems. It’s also a perversion of testosterone, an over-focus on the adrenals and under-focus on heart. What would these people turn into if they used more heart? On BOTH sides??? Gangs with heart. . .
Fellowship & the Soulgroup, Part 2: Understanding the Soulgroup & the Destiny Body
It’s a good practice to see that each person who comes to you is a gift, a messenger, and they allow the soulgroup’s collective wisdom to remind you of higher truths as you learn to connect with others. This practice helps me remember that there is no hierarchy of souls, that each person who shows up is wise and has a message to give that is perfect for the moment. Whatever comes out of their mouth is exactly what I need. Everything they think of to do is like me thinking of it. Since I’ve been practicing this I’ve had a shift in the quality of my personal relationships.
Fellowship & the Soulgroup, Part 1: Understanding Fellowship & Conscious Communion
Do you feel you’ve met people you’ve known before, people you inexplicably resonate with, who share similar ideas and a similar life quest? Do these people often seem more like family than your family of origin? I believe we are part of these resonant, morphological fields of groups of souls, these families of like-minded others, and some of them are alive in a body now — some may be in your family of origin, or they may be in your group of friends or colleagues. The concept of spiritual family or the soulgroup is entering mass consciousness now. And this relates strongly to the idea of fellowship.
Alternate or Spiritual Healing: Should It Be Free?
Healing via connection with higher vibration and consciousness has existed since the beginning of time. We have always known that energy—that amazing, invisible force—can do powerful things, especially when directed by consciousness—that other amazing, invisible force—whether it be for productive, positive ends or destructive, negative ones. Certainly shamans and medicine people through the ages have taken for granted that healing and higher states of consciousness go hand in hand. And that many physical ailments have their roots in the nonphysical realms of energy, emotion, and belief.
How Coronavirus Is Speeding Us Toward Transparency: Part 2
So what about the virus-related panic in the stock market? What about not being able to earn your salary? That’s pretty darn real! Yes, this fear contraction is happening, but we don’t have to add to the contraction with more panic and dire predictions. Remember: the stock market runs on greed and fear. And that is an artifact of the old linear reality of the ego. The ego grants money great power—to have it reinforces ego as the true identity. It makes us dominators. Not having it makes us victims. But the soul-based reality doesn’t experience limitation or one upsmanship, it doesn’t say money is about survival and success. It’s just a measure of energy and flow.
How Coronavirus Is Speeding Us Toward Transparency: Part 1
This is the time of the Opening of Pandora’s Box, when all the little demons and pests are released—those long-stored, suppressed, subconscious traumas, terrors, griefs, and rages. It is the Time of Clearing, when we learn to dissolve fear and suffering and become transparent. Transparency is a state of being that allows I-the-Soul to flow unimpeded through the various “bodies” or frequencies of consciousness (causal, mental, emotional, etheric, physical) to guide and educate Me-the-Personality about living in a frictionless way and creating the life experience I’m built for.