A world-renowned expert intuitive and author talks about her practice of examining the happenings of everyday life for hidden meaning. You’ll find tips about intuition development, working with energy and personal vibration, the transformation process, dreamwork, future trends, design, writing, and leading consciousness ideas—along with interesting articles by thoughtful others.

Milarepa’s Wisdom
Sep 17, 2011
How senseless to disregard one’s life by fighting foes
Who are but frail flowers. . .
ALLOW Destiny to Unfold
Sep 14, 2011
Destiny is not in the future. It resides in you now and fuels your every move. Do not let old mind habits, the clutter of the ages, interfere with your smooth expansion.
Writing a Poem as a Sacred Act, Part 2
Sep 6, 2011
What creates a living state of awareness, a contagious mood, the timeless pause? I’m not so motivated to write a great poem structurally, as I am in catalyzing “real moments” and turning on the heart’s light switch.
Writing a Poem as a Sacred Act, Part 1
Sep 5, 2011
I carry a journal on airplanes and hikes, to mountaintops, beaches, and foreign countries. A poem is such a good way to distill the essence of a confusing or inspiring experience by blending actual detail with feeling to find the core spiritual message. After the last line mysteriously appears, as though from some inner master, I often feel sublimely wide-eyed, relieved, and wiser.
How Real is Loss? Or Emptiness?
Aug 29, 2011
I know that flat feeling of the open space that’s left when old concepts clear out and actually don’t need to be replaced by new beliefs. Getting used to living without organizing structures takes some getting used to. It’s a new sort of freedom we never hoped we’d be able to have in our lifetime, and it’s shocking to think it’s ours.
The Underworld Surfaces!
Jul 16, 2011
As is my wont, I tend to interpret daily “omens” as if they were dream symbols. So what is a gopher tunneling into my yard and garden? I become aware of a subterranean force that I wasn’t aware of a year ago. . .a little “varmint” who’s decided to invade my subconscious realm, to make me aware of what’s just beneath the surface of my neat and tidy reality.
The Nanosecond of Non-Time
Jul 13, 2011
It is not as it was before when fear commanded more power than love. A new world has risen about us, though only now do we see it. Those who profit by the encouragement of fear-centered human behavior are growing ever more desperate, and ever more visible.
A Frequency Poem
Jun 27, 2011
in the mirror lately my body eyes cheeks skin
are morphing in and out of moist and dry realities
full and prescient, empty and vaguely worried
I don’t quite recognize myself
am I aging or youthing?
One Voice in Many: Part 11
Jun 11, 2011
Everything I know now is what I need to work with, now. When I need new information or inspiration, it will be released into my mind at the right time. Nothing will be noticed until the appropriate moment. Premature exposure to knowledge can do no harm because nothing can be premature.
On Dealing with Attacks
May 26, 2011
Be unconditionally present. Keep the Light in your eyes; it will see for you. Do not retract into righteous re-action: indignation, retaliation, revenge, hate. Do not narrow your eyes, harden your chest, leave your body. When you experience anything in unconditional presence, the other person is left alone with their actions and underlying thoughts. They may try to blame but they will not be able to project.
The Shallows: This Is Your Brain Online
May 21, 2011
Carr believes that the Internet is a medium based on interruption — and it’s changing the way people read and process information.
Judging and Assessing Ourselves: Left Brain vs. Right Brain/Body/Heart
May 16, 2011
I repeatedly see that I, and my clients, say that we are “stuck” when we are simply identifying ourselves with the limited options provided by our left brain. We know there is a bigger reality close at hand. We know things are meant to be effortless, and so much easier. We know that we want a much more expanded experience of love. Yet we hesitate to leave an abusive mate, or a job where we are surrounded by people who don’t question reality, who don’t want greater depth.