A world-renowned expert intuitive and author talks about her practice of examining the happenings of everyday life for hidden meaning. You’ll find tips about intuition development, working with energy and personal vibration, the transformation process, dreamwork, future trends, design, writing, and leading consciousness ideas—along with interesting articles by thoughtful others.

Healing with Secret Love
May 13, 2011
More and more lately, I’ve been experiencing the reality of the life force, and love, that exist inside supposedly inanimate objects. Everything is alive! Everything is full of love.
One Voice in Many: Part 10
May 11, 2011
You are a loving child and a cocreator with the Divine, working from a higher plan. The Love of the Divine is actually YOUR love, since in the end, as evolution completes, you discover that you, and all beings, ARE the Divine. The experience of love as your core identity inheres in your nature and cannot be prevented from becoming conscious.
The Passing of Great People
Apr 26, 2011
I wonder how the passing of people who are major light-holders actually affects the planet and those of us still here in bodies. Perhaps as we become higher frequency ourselves, we will not feel them as gone, but still radiating their essence, in perhaps an even purer way, through the earth’s field, or energy body.
Screen Addiction
Apr 19, 2011
I look around these days and what I mostly see is people looking into, or talking or typing into, lit-up screens of varying sizes. Riding to the airport on the airporter bus at 4am, my fellow passengers are checking email on their phone screens, playing music on their ipods, or loudly and self-importantly telling someone somewhere, “I’m on the Golden Gate Bridge now. Now I’m on 19th Avenue. Now I’m just arriving at the terminal.”
One Voice in Many: Part 9
Apr 11, 2011
We must find our source of internal wisdom, out teacher part, that will guide and remind us of our true identity. That part is the conscience, though in its truest functioning, the word “should” has no place. The essential conscience speaks of truth and gently reminds us of what is real—really real, not superficially real. Over millennia the conscience has become the watchdog for the mind/ego and we’ve forgotten its divine function.
How Interconnected We All Are!
Mar 27, 2011
The devastating earthquake that shook Japan appears to have caused the water table throughout much of Florida to rise and then fall up to three inches.
One Voice in Many: Part 8
Mar 11, 2011
The formula is easy: Remember who you really are—the Divine in form. Experience it by meditating and bringing the quality of meditation to your life. Know your natural condition is love and abundance. Have the courage to proceed on intuition or inner flashes, knowing these to be closer to truth than anything logic could devise.
What IS Lack of Motivation?
Mar 2, 2011
I’ve noticed something I was calling “lack of motivation” in myself lately, and wonder about it, as it seems unlike me. Am I blocked? Am I resting? Am I waiting? Am I finished? Is Saturn sitting on one of my major aspects? I decided to do some direct writing about it, to see what hidden influences and insights might be involved. What IS lack of motivation?
One Voice in Many: Part 7
Feb 11, 2011
What the Divine wants for you is much greater than you can imagine for yourself. No need to limit yourself with dreams of grandeur or glamour, but let those go and you will know a speechless glory that lasts forever. Don’t plan. You limit the Divine Plan. Don’t try to shape. You limit Divine artistry. Don’t look back. You limit your unfoldment.
How Great Entrepreneurs Think
Feb 9, 2011
It’s interesting that the entrepreneurial way of approaching things is focused strongly in the present moment, on the feelings of doability, on living visions that become real to the body, and on an enjoyment of surprise and adaptability.
Imagination & Magical Creativity
Feb 7, 2011
Think of a pencil. What a quiet, nimble, slender and stubby wonder-worker he is! At his touch, worlds leap into being; a tiger with no danger, a steam-roller with no weight, a palace at no cost. All children are alive to the spell of pencils and crayons, of making something, as it were, from nothing. . .
Work with Your Imagination
Jan 14, 2011
Think of a typical noun-verb goal, something for which you frequently hanker. Be honest rather than politically correct. Some people may have deep desires to establish world peace, stop global warming, and end poverty, but maybe you actually think more about, I dunno, reaching your target weight.