A world-renowned expert intuitive and author talks about her practice of examining the happenings of everyday life for hidden meaning. You’ll find tips about intuition development, working with energy and personal vibration, the transformation process, dreamwork, future trends, design, writing, and leading consciousness ideas—along with interesting articles by thoughtful others.

Fun with Numbers!
Sep 17, 2008
Many of you know that I enjoy numerology and use it to some degree in the readings I do, since it tends to give accurate information on timing especially. The numerical patterns depicted below give us a kind of reassurance that there is some deep harmony in the universe. . .
Thoughts on Empathy: Part 2
Aug 25, 2008
It’s fine to feel into people, but we need to recenter in our own core vibration after each foray into this sort of empathic information gathering.
The Gist of Gita
Aug 20, 2008
Whatever happened to you,
it went on well.
Whatever is happening now
is going well.
Whatever has to happen
will also be good.
Thoughts on Empathy: Part 1
Aug 3, 2008
I have recently become embroiled in a situation where I stood up to, or stood out from, a bully who was dominating a group. I was accused of many nasty things that were untrue, and as upsetting as it was to feel my body responding to the adrenaline rushes this person was so adept at creating, the whole situation has proved to be quite interesting energetically. It was interesting to watch other people in the group either hang back or come forward, to see how conflict-avoidant we are right now.
We’re All Becoming More Sensitive
Jun 13, 2008
With the increasing vibration of energy on the planet and in our bodies, we’re all beginning to be sensitive to more things and invisible forces than we’ve ever realized was possible to be sensitive to.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Latent Talents and Interests
Apr 14, 2008
How much of what I do during any given week focuses primarily on my senses? Make a list of your activities that involve sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Then add at least ten more possible ways to experience each sense. Try doing some of them and see what new ideas they generate.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Discover What You’ve Outgrown and Can Release
Apr 3, 2008
What activities have become second nature to me? What things do I do out of habit? Which of these activities or behaviors still bring something important to my growth and happiness? Is there another, more conscious way I could do this that would suit me better? Which parts of these behaviors could I change or totally dissolve?
5 Ways to Stay in Touch with Soul while Engaged in Any Creative Process
Mar 30, 2008
Once you have achieved a physical result, do you let yourself have time to totally enjoy the magic of having it? This is spirit in matter, the quality of your attention shaped into form. Can you internalize everything that has happened and the experience of the outcome?
5 Things Your Soul Wants You to Know About Dealing with the Chaos of the World
Mar 15, 2008
Chaos is caused in part by being caught in the polarized, dualistic mind, which stops the natural ebb and flow of awareness. When you take sides and don’t acknowledge how the opposite side exists in you, you will be tossed around until you can hold both sides of any polarity without freezing your attention.
5 Tips for Using Intuition to Receive Soul Guidance
Mar 5, 2008
Listen to the things you say to others for a week. Notice the content when you give advice, explain something or teach, give feedback, or even when you’re just talking to a friend and make a surprising point. Write down the things you hear yourself say, the subjects you bring up; these are messages to you from your soul.
5 Affirmations to Connect with Soul in Yourself, Others, and Life
Feb 27, 2008
I experience the Presence in my body, in the air, in the walls, in the trees, in the cars, in the dirt, in the rhythms of my day, in the unfolding of current events, in all the people I meet, and in the unseen ones in other dimensions. Just by noticing, I find the soul in everything.
5 Differences Between the Soul and the Egomind Voice
Feb 24, 2008
The soul talks about what exists. It says, “I am doing this, I experience this, I perceive this.” It cannot embody nonexistent fictitious realities beyond the here and now. The egomind says, “I don’t, I can’t, I won’t,” and repeatedly dives into the past or into negative, potential, or future realities that may never come about.