A world-renowned expert intuitive and author talks about her practice of examining the happenings of everyday life for hidden meaning. You’ll find tips about intuition development, working with energy and personal vibration, the transformation process, dreamwork, future trends, design, writing, and leading consciousness ideas—along with interesting articles by thoughtful others.

Repeating Cycles, Progressive Spirals

Repeating Cycles, Progressive Spirals

There is something at work in my dreams, and somewhere out in the far reaches of my aura; something is teaching me, soldering my circuit board, weaving in new colored threads, tying beautiful knots with my loose ends. Someone is sending a new song into my cells through silent sound; a tuning fork with the tone of my new name is being struck. It’s a new blueprint, a new way of being organized, a new life dream.

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The Worry Addiction

The Worry Addiction

If you have become addicted to the left brain’s negative view, and the feeling of the adrenaline rush that comes from fear, ask yourself very clearly: Is this the way I want to spend the limited time I have in this lifetime? Stalling myself? Living in a tiny box?

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An Intuitive Thinks about Transforming the Entertainment Media: Part 3

An Intuitive Thinks about Transforming the Entertainment Media: Part 3

The kind of transformation we want must seep in without seeming threatening; it must in fact seem like the next exciting thing. We must create a hub of private enthusiasm and activity outside the norm, “over there,” so those within the establishment will become like curious children, and come peeking over the fence.

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An Intuitive Thinks about Transforming the Entertainment Media: Part 1

An Intuitive Thinks about Transforming the Entertainment Media: Part 1

The transformation process is sweeping everyone along with it—some people embrace it and enter the flow joyfully, while others fear it and try to stop it. What we’re seeing in the entertainment business—to broad-stroke it—is the materialization of the inner blueprint of a group of powerful people who basically fear and resist the part of the transformation process that requires the reinvention of self.

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A Moment in the Sun

A Moment in the Sun

…and the warmth wanes yet I still feel the core experience of “sun” in the coolness green bottlefly lands on my page walks on my fingers tickles me flies off to whiz about my head now gone and all throughout the steady sun and the clouds and winds of change

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A Poem from 2000

A Poem from 2000

space is happy to have a chance
to be with form
they change off with each other
expand contract play
with each other
can create any way I want!

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Easing the Pain of Transformation

Easing the Pain of Transformation

Let go, absolutely LET GO of what does not work for you. Do you feel heavy? Find the burdens, drop them. Find the clogging foods, the negative thoughts, the dirtying habits, the character weaknesses in yourself, the people who drain you. Release it all, and let go of your need for beliefs and security. Tune to the very purest heart of the Mother Earth and quietly resonate your body to this.

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Listen. . .

Listen. . .

I face a totally new, creative way of living. I don’t know where I will go, what it will look like. It is a test of everything I write about! Ha! The spirits test us. I am in the Flow. The Flow loves me and I love it.

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