Thoughts on Emotion, Ending Struggle, and Living with the “Big, Dark Hidden”

eBook: ISBN-13: 978-0-9906376-1-5
Thoughts on the Feminine, the Flow,
Presence, and Becoming the World

eBook: ISBN-13: 978-0-9906376-3-9
Thoughts on Coming Trends in Education, Politics, Business, and World Events

eBook: ISBN-13: 978-0-9906376-4-6
Essays & Insights Focused on Specific Themes
The Bits & Pieces e-book series is a collection of editorials and essays, along with shorter insight pieces, poems, quotes, and tips. They are available for Kindle, Nook, and iPad through amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and B&N.
Bits & Pieces 1 explores ideas related to feelings of stuckness in relation to our spiritual growth, or transformation, process. What can make us contract and stop our own expansion, and what can free us again? How do we deal with our growing ultrasensitivity, which can at times make us feel we’re drowning in negative emotion? How do we live lovingly in the seeming gap of liminal space, as the next just-right thing is gestating? There are many wonderful insights in this book to inspire you on your path and help you ease the difficult transitions.
Bits & Pieces 2 explores ideas related to the immense loving experience of the divine feminine, the power of fluidity and faith in the wisdom of each moment, what can be revealed in silence via “presence,” and how you can feel into things — even the world — and if you keep paying close attention, you can actually become the world and know what it knows. There are many wonderful insights in this book to inspire you on your path and help you ease the difficult times.
Bits & Pieces 3 explores the possibilities for coming trends in many areas of concern, based on the key stages of the universal transformation process underway in the world. There are many wonderful insights in this book to inspire you on your path and help you ease the difficult times.
These books are for anyone wanting thought-provoking insights into what’s happening in our world as we undergo transformation.

Table of Contents
Bits & Pieces 1
Hurting Each Other with Energy and Thought
Overcoming Betrayal, Trusting Destiny
Moving Beyond Suffering
From Polarization to Paradox: Eclipsing the Old Dynamics of Struggle
The Time of Waves: Toward an Enlightened Emotional Body
Break through Stuckness: Open Your Intuition Again!
Armageddon and the Light in the “Big Dark Hidden”
Living in Liminal Space
The Simplicity Identity
Thinking vs. Being; Words vs. Silence
The Power of Contrition
Know What You Write, Write What You Know
Is Anybody Out There? You Bet!
Our Last Bits of Resistance?
The Disappearing Self
Making It Easy for My Guidance to Come Through
Dissolving Hearts
The Ego and Its “Special Relationships”
Practicing in Dreams
The Highly Sensitives
Pleasure Without a Cause
Fine-Line Balances: An Intuitive Art
Controlled Folly
Coming through the “Human Stuff”
Mysticism and Realism
Rainer Maria Rilke and Emptiness
Out of the Mouths of Babes
For Just a Moment, I Wish that Silence. . .
I Feel a Looming
Bits & Pieces 2
Being a Medium for HER Voice
Princess Diana & Mother Teresa: Their Connection Carries a Message for Today
Choose What’s Choosing You
Writing a Poem: A Sacred Act of the Feminine Mind
Almost Heaven: For John Denver
The Art and Entertainment of Life in the Flow
When Life Gets Messy and Won’t Behave: The Positive Use of Ambiguity, Uncertainty, and Disorder
Forgetting What We Know to Know Anew
Soul-Crafting: Getting Serious About Who We Want to Be
Following the Bread Crumb Trail
Soul-Seeking 101
An Intuitive View of September 11: A Massive Reveille Reverberating through Time
Fellowship, the Soul Group, and the Field: Noticing a New Way of Living
Becoming Transparent: Preparing to Live in the Permanent Present Moment
Recipe for Peaceful Living
Healing with Secret Love
Fall Farther In
A Few Words on Material Success
Wherever I Am
Passion Is
(Trying to Remember to) Give Thanks
Release Isn’t Always Relief
I’m Happy that You’re Happy
Celebrity Worship
Prayer, 9, and the Divine Feminine
Let in the Light!
Rainer Maria Rilke’s Advice to Mankind
The Power of Words as Worlds
Enlivening Each Day
Is Your World View Based on Love or Fear?
Intuitive Men
Advise from Spirit to Anyone
Winds of Change
Bits & Pieces 3
Commentary on the Coming Times
Intuition & Spirituality in Business: Part 1
Intuition & Spirituality in Business: Part 2
Deepening Your Dream State: Dreams and Precognitive Omens about World Events
Some Hidden Dynamics of Communication
The New Children and The Future of Education: An Expert Intuitive Looks at Trends
Intuition, Transformation, and Politics: Seeing Through the Smokescreen of Spin
Melting Through the Buzz to Rest in the Divine, Not the Mind
Coming Trends for the United States
5 Affirmations to Connect with Soul in Yourself, Others, and Life
5 Ways to Use Intuition to Feel Your Soul
5 Criteria of Soul Perception
5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Discover What You’ve Outgrown and Can Release
5 Ways to Stay in Touch with Soul While Engaged in Any Creative Process
5 Tips for Using Intuition to Receive Your Soul’s Guidance
5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Latent Talents And Interests
The Gist of Gita
Thoughts on Empathy: Part 1
Thoughts on Empathy: Part 2
Sorting Vibrations: Dealing with Bullies
Intuition’s Power
Compassion Meditation
When We Are Interconnected. . .We Think Differently
10 Ways to Be More Intuitive and Feel More Spirit in Your Life: Part 1
10 Ways to Be More Intuitive and Feel More Spirit in Your Life: Part 2
10 Ways to Be More Intuitive and Feel More Spirit in Your Life: Part 3
10 Ways to Be More Intuitive and Feel More Spirit in Your Life: Part 4
The Belonging
What People Are Saying
“I found these three collections of Penney’s writings to be extremely thought-provoking and so much of it reminded me of things I want to keep paying attention to. I like the blend of short and longer pieces—the variety keeps my mind alert! And it helps to have something like this to use as a daily reminder, regardless of how far along we are on our journey.“
—Audra Russell, Georgia
If you’re new to Penney’s inspiring writing, Bits & Pieces 1 and 2 are a great place to start your exploration. And if you’re already a fan of her other excellent books and blog, these eBooks are wonderful touchstones to her overall themes of developing and deepening intuition, personal vibration, dream work, and consciousness. In equal measures wise and funny and kind, there’s something here for everyone!
—Franny, on amazon.com
“Penney has been one of my longtime teachers and I have loved all of her writings. But these are different in that Penney shares things in a more personal way and we get to see how she navigates life and the feelings it stirs up. For me this was like having somebody model how to move through all sorts of things while thinking new thoughts and shifting all the paradigms that Penney’s taught in her other works. I read these books quickly as they were deeply satisfying particularly during a big transition in my life.”
—Lisa C. Briggs, Founder of The Intuitive Body

“Penney Peirce’s powerful wisdom and obvious creative genius shine brightly in this wonderfully inspiring collection of essays, ideas, poems, and insights. Her words touch my heart and feed my soul at the exact moment I need to hear them. When you find yourself off-track or seeking relief from today’s chaotic times, just remember Bits & Pieces. Grab a minute or two or ten and recenter yourself with her beautiful writing. The mix of profound clarity and mind-shifting, soul-restoring insights will set you straight and remind you of who you truly are.”
—Clardy Malugen, Creator, Source Field Activation and the Frequency Formula