The Transforming Power
of Your Attention
Winner of the 2014 COVR Visionary Awards for
Book of the Year and Best Alternative Science & Spirituality Book
Winner of the 2014 Silver Nautilus Book Award for Science/Cosmology
Leap of Perception is the third pioneering book
in Penney Peirce’s Transformation Series

Foreword by Martha Beck, author of
Finding Your Way in a Wild New World
Hardcover: 352p, 6-1/4″ x 9-1/4″
ISBN-13: 978-1-58270-390-9
Paperback: 352p, 5-1/2″ x 8-3/8″
ISBN-13: 978-1-58270-391-6
eBook: ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-9513-7
(Beyond Words/Atria, Simon & Schuster 2009)
Audiobook: ISBN-13: 978-1-4526-1354-3
Tantor Media 2013
Have you noticed that as the world accelerates, your perception itself is changing?
Do certain ways of thinking and doing things seem way too slow and antiquated?
And the results too pedestrian?
Has it dawned on you that your ability to focus attention may be your most important skill?
As the vibration of the world continues to accelerate, we are being catalyzed into a new kind of knowing—literally, a leap of perception. We can now more clearly see how perception itself creates the world and our life experience. We are rapidly outgrowing the limits of “old perception”—in which separation, ego, domination/victimization, hard-heartedness, and suffering prevail. In its place we are discovering a high-vibrational “new perception” that creates a high-frequency world based on oneness, compassion, service, joy, and cocreativity.
As we integrate this new worldview, the rules of the way reality functions change dramatically. Results used to materialize slowly, with snags. But with new perception, results occur almost immediately, and smoothly. We are becoming a new kind of human being, living in a new kind of malleable, immediately responsive world. How is this reality going to function? What will we be like? How do we ease our transition?
Leap of Perception details the transformation of consciousness underway today—what many refer to as “the Shift”—as we evolve from the Information Age to what Peirce calls “The Intuition Age.” This book helps us understand that transformation is really a profound change in our underlying geometry of perception from an old linear model to a new spherical-holographic way of seeing ourselves and reality.
Leap of Perception is a comprehensive guide to navigating the transformation process, recognizing the new Intuition Age reality, and living successfully by its new rules. With down-to-earth examples and simple exercises, Peirce deftly translates sophisticated concepts into useful practices to make this complex change—and what comes after—understandable, actionable, and easy to integrate into daily life.
Leap of Perception helps you understand, and learn to practice, new “attention skills” that will soon seem normal. Included are such things as: direct knowing, undivided attention, flow attention, unified field attention, collective-self attention, and working skillfully with the imaginal realm to materialize new realities in the blink of an eye.
The result of this transformative leap of perception will be many “new human” abilities that previously have been thought to be supernatural, and an entirely new understanding of multidimensional life, where death as we think of it no longer exists, and there is no “other side.”
Leap of Perception can help you:
- develop the new “attention skills” of The Intuition Age.
- recognize the limits of linear perception and shift into unlimited spherical-holographic perception.
- understand how the way you do things and the results you achieve can dramatically improve.
- stabilize a new way of being so you evolve effortlessly along with the planet.
This book is for anyone wondering “Why don’t cleverness and willpower produce the same results anymore?” and
“Are there negative consequences to shallow, fragmented attention?”

Table of Contents
Foreword by Martha Beck, PhD, author of Finding Your Way in a Wild New World
To the Reader
About This Book
PART 1: Rediscovering Perception
Chap 1: Acceleration and Transformation
Chap 2: The Path to Expanded Perception
Chap 3: How Do You Know?
PART 2: Skillful Perception for Transformation
Chap 4: Unlearn Habits of Old Perception
Chap 5: Recognize New Perception
Chap 6: Navigate the Transformation Narrows
PART 3: New Attention Skills for the Intuition Age
Chap 7: Practice Direct Knowing
Chap 8: Practice the Spherical-Holographic Reality
Chap 9: Practice Undivided Attention
Chap 10: Practice Flow Attention
Chap 11: Practice Unified Field Attention
Chap 12: Practice Collective-Self Attention
Chap 13: Practice Shaping the Imaginal Realm
Chap 14: Practice “New Human” Abilities
Chap 15: Practice “Pretend Dying”
Final Thoughts
The book contains inspiring quotes, experiential exercises, diagrams, and chapter recaps.
Available in 20+ languages, including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch,
Portugese, Czech, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Romanian, Japanese, and Chinese.
What People Are Saying
“Leap of Perceptionis a work of unbridled imagination that offers great guidance amidst the accelerated transformation of our times. Penney Peirce suggests we have entered the Intuition Age when we can use the powers of the nonphysical dimensions to create anything in our solid world. She unmasks the power of human creativity and offers very impressive simple and potent mastery techniques. Leap of Perception is a must-read for anybody who desires total freedom and unlimited creativity.”
—Barbara Hand Clow, author of Awakening the Planetary Mind
“Penney has a brilliant yet simple grasp on a subject impossible to describe in human terms, which I call the “Frequency of the Quantum Multiverse.” I was compelled to create an entire sequence around her in my film,Discover The Gift. Now, inLeap of Perception, she gives us the insight and tools required to unleash the pure potential of human creativity and unlocks one of the greatest mysteries of our time—the power of our mind to manifest infinite possibilities. This profound book quite simply gives you the keys to the kingdom of your dreams.”
—Demian Lichtenstein, Film Producer/Director/Writer and Cocreator of Discover the Gift

“In Leap of Perception, Penney Peirce—one of my favorite intuitive guides—goes further and deeper in weaving together the invisible and visible domains, giving us an inspiring and practical handbook for cultivating what she calls ‘new human abilities.’ If you’ve sensed that there is indeed more to life than meets the eye, this book will help you make the mystical ‘normal.’”
—Steve Bhaerman, co-author (with Bruce Lipton) of Spontaneous Evolution, and alter-ego of cosmic comic Swami Beyondananda
Changing Perception & Power of Attention Podcasts
How Spirit & Science Converge for Awakening Life Purpose with host Aaron Glassman
The Transformation Process: How It Is Affecting Us Personally & Politically on The Christine Upchurch Show with host Christine Upchurch
Entering the Intuition Age on America Meditating with host Sister Jenna
Perception: Navigating the Non-Linear Universe on The Pivot Podcast with host Jenny Blake
Transformative Power of Attention on Coast to Coast AM with host George Noory
Leap of Perception on Red Ice Radio with host Henrik Palmgren
What Is the Perception of the Future? And How Do We Get There Now? CoCreators Convergence Conference Call, with hosts Nina Patrick, and Noel & Bob Warner
New Perception for Entrepreneurs on Global Entrepreneurs Radio with host Chris Pinkley
Leap of Perception on Conversation at the Cutting Edge with host Sandie Sedgbeer
The Transforming Power of Attention on Answers for the Family with host Allen Cardoza
Leaping into the Intuition Age on Energy Awareness with host T. Love
Intuition Age and Perception on Charmed Life with host Tricia Carr
Understanding New Perception on Paradigm Shifters with host Veronica Entwistle
Leap of Perception on Unexplained Phenomena, KZUM Radio, with host Scott Colburn
Taking the Leap of Perception on The Dr. Pat Show with host Pat Baccili
Our Transforming Perception on Synchronicity with host Marie Benard
Leap of Perception on All Things Connected with host Dr. Julie Krull
A Leap of Perception on The Embodied Way with host Stefana Serafina
How You Perceive the World Transforms Life on Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick
Inside-Out View of Transformation on 11:11 Talk Radio with host Simran Singh
Fear Is Only the Perception of Separation on Fear Not/Unshakeable Self-Confidence with host Billy J. Atwell