A Daybook of Clarity & Intuition

Foreword by Marcia Emery, PhD, author of PowerHunch!
Paperback: 448p, 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ (out of print)
Copies are available at sites like Alibris, AbeBooks, Bookfinder, etc.
ISBN-10: 0-8092-2475-5
(ContemporaryBooks/MacMillan 2000)
eBook: ISBN-13: 978-0-9906376-0-8
Are you looking for a way to slow down and enter your experience?
Would you like some help developing a meaningful journal practice?
Do you want a daily companion to help you focus on developing your intuition?
The Present Momentis a perpetual daybook that puts the principles of mindfulness and intuition development into a daily practice format, emphasizing the “power of now” to bring clarity of mind and heart. The book is a great companion to a journal practice or it can be used to provide daily inspiration, either day by day, or in oracle fashion by simply opening the book anywhere.
Today, we’re more distracted, fragmented, pressured, and rushed than ever before. By going so fast, we lose touch with our bodies and nature, where the wisdom of our souls resides—and as a result, we often make unhealthy choices that don’t support our life purpose, the people in our lives, or the longevity of the planet.
To survive and grow, we must turn away from competing versions of truth espoused by external authorities and turn within to find the quiet center and our own authentic truth, unaided by media and technology. To do that we must rebuild our “intuition muscle,” and learn to enter the present moment, the only place we can contact our soul and feel our “home frequency.” Only at our core can we hear the mind in the heart, the voice of appropriateness.
The Present Momentgives you day-by-day help in cutting through the noise. It guides you in developing the art of paying attention. By learning to apply intuition and “skillful perception” every day, you’ll gain reliable access to your wealth of inner wisdom. Through the habit of feeling the presence and purpose in all things, even in the space around you, you can know the unified field as a reality, and take responsible action based on your interrelatedness with the whole.
The Present Moment can help you:
- develop focus, mindfulness, concentration, and harnessed imagination.
- become comfortable with being quiet and more deeply thoughtful.
- find meaning in everyday life events and respect for all things.
- establish healthy consciousness habits like fluidity, body sensitivity, and multidimensional awareness.
This book is for anyone wondering
“What am I missing by going so fast?” and
“Is there a deeper meaning to what happens to me?”

Table of Contents
Foreword by Marcia Emery, PhD, author of PowerHunch!
To the Reader
How to Use This Book
Daily Meditations
The Present Moment is filled with information about: beginner’s mind, the stillpoint, centering, finding connection to life, living a life of inquiry, maintaining focus, going with the flow, decoding the nonverbal information from your body, entering the silence, valuing the “feminine mind,” and trusting your intuition.
Each day of the year has an affirmation and an exercise to practice for the day, accompanied by an anecdote or story that brings home the message of the affirmation.
Check our Oracles page for the Present Moment Practice Daily Oracle button!
What People Are Saying
“Penney Peirce demonstrates how we can cultivate intuition in our lives by focusing on the values that foster intuition. Penney demonstrates an elegance, graciousness, and simplicity that has been refined and developed over years of practice. When you read this book with an attitude of inner receptivity, it will speak to you from your own depths.”
—Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, author of The Roots of Consciousness
“I/we lovvvvveeee your Present Moment book! My husband and I read the lessons to each other when we can, then we talk about them. I have always wanted this book, and I think of you each day I pick it up. Thanks!”
—Roxsan Meyer, New Mexico
“The Present Moment is a deeply meaningful resource that has provided comfort to my soul by putting me in touch with parts of myself that have been long-neglected. It’s hard to explain how at home I feel with your books.”
—Cynthia Whipple, Colorado

“Penney Peirce is a pioneer in the field of psyche development. The Present Moment is an excellent daybook for busy people looking to balance a full life and for those wanting to stretch out to new worlds. Penney takes us by the hand and shows us exactly how to slow down and tune in to the wisdom and guidance of our own life’s purpose.”
—Carol Adrienne, PhD, author of The Purpose of Your Life