The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living
This is the second edition in this eye-opening series of books
that empower women to live vibrant & authentic lives!

208pp, 6″ x 9″
ISBN-13: 9781612546384 • $16.95 • eBook: $13.49
(Brown Books Publishing Group, 2024)
Have you felt called toward one path in life, then stopped yourself?
Do you kn0w what you need to do but it goes against everything you were told to do?
Are you ready to change your — and the world’s — relationship with intuition?
Are you ready to trust your innermost perception and follow it?
If your heart is screaming “Yes!” to the questions above, you’re in the right place. The Intuition Edition of the Women Gone WILD! series is the second installment in a comprehensive series about women living vibrant, creative, authentic lives. The book series is built around the acronym WILD, and there are four editions: Wealth, Intuition, Leadership, and Diversity.
This inspiring edition will open your eyes to the power of listening to your internal compass and taking right action in right timing. The book offers stories from trailblazers Rhonda Swan, CEO of Unstoppable Branding Agency and founder of the WGW movement, and Penney Peirce, bestselling author of multiple books on intuition and perception, along with 23 other amazing women who have proved the effectiveness of applying intuition to grow their lives and nurture others.
They share their collective stories and wisdom about our fundamental relationship with inner knowing, and how to strengthen it. These authors are ready to spread their message to women everywhere: that connecting with your core self and other women can transform lives and spark the change we know the world needs. Spanning different industries, lifestyles, cultures, and backgrounds, these fearless women show you that there is nothing more essential than the power of applied intuition through their stories on:
- How to trust and access more accurate intuition
- Recognizing inner guidance through the signals in your body
- How avoiding your destiny affects your success — and joy — in life
- Listening to that “call” that can shake up your life — for the better!
Intuition is not one of those vague, “out there” things — it’s in us! It’s the voice of the heart, the guidance of your soul. It longs to be used to guide and help us live brilliant, loving lives. It can help you make the wise choices in relationships, business, family, and the caretaking of the world that can create a positive impact for all those who come after us. So open the book, let the warm, collective voices and stories reinforce what you’ve always felt, always known, and light the flame that will transform your life to match what you feel deep inside.

Our 25 Intuition Authors
Alicia Berg Andrea Bell Anna Nowak Beate Nimsky Diana Wentworth Erika Pena Hanalei Swan Hilary DeCesare Jet Van Wijk Kara Nance Kendra Davies Kenya Roberson Kortney Murray
Lady JB Owen Lisa Stafford Patti Negri Penney Peirce Reena Merchant Rhonda Swan Robin Mullin Sophie Zollmann Stefanie Bruns Stephanie Jaie Terri Britt Tristen Durkin

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