I wrote this in 2008, in regard to the treatment of Obama, but the same thing arises again in 2019, as conservatives haul out those loaded words—Capitalist and Socialist—to try to polarize voters. Those are OLD words that describe fear-based realities like the 5 years of McCarthyism in the early 1950s, or the 3 hot years of Nixon’s Watergate scandal in the early 1970s.
We, as intuitives and visionaries, are supposed to be on the leading edge of the new unity-based, love-based reality—the “new paradigm.” Through our ability to experience oneness via intuition, and by our ability to know the unified field via our energy-sensitivity, we are the ones who can show others the way into realities that are based on fellowship, mutual support, conscious communion, and the healing of ancient emotional wounds and human suffering.
You cannot open up spiritually and enter the new energy-based reality that is presenting itself to us, without understanding—at a visceral level—the profound interconnectedness of all life, and that includes people of all political persuasions. If we really want to live this new life, we must look for new organizational models that reflect the “new” truths. Both capitalism (and I like what Thom Hartmann says, that we are now in the “cancerous stage of capitalism”) and communism/socialism, and all other forms of national organization, are by themselves flawed. They are functional in particular ways, and dysfunctional in other ways.
The West functions according to one system, and the East by another. People from both East and West think their way is “the way life is”—unless you travel and work globally. When you do, you see the sanity of other ways of thinking and acting as perfect designs for specific situations and conditions, it humbles you and expands your perspective. For me, being international has expanded my view of what might happen if varying worldviews could be merged, if we could learn “how to be” in each other’s actual reality constructs.
So, politically, why are we reacting, or snapping back to a time when the world was highly divided and separatist? We are living into a time of global commonality, of shared humanity, where solutions are going to HAVE TO involve everyone and class distinctions are going to have to eventually disappear in the light of our Soul Awareness.
Is this Marxist? Socialist? I think not. I think we are headed toward an evolution of the best in capitalism and the best in socialism. We have to reexamine core motives and concepts, and reinvent politics, governance, nationality, and commerce.
So I’m asking those in reactionary mode: What are you so afraid of, and why are you choosing to live in a fear-based reality, unconsciously leaping back into the past, instead of being fully engaged in this super-alive moment, creating a new reality directly from soul, something that is fresh and new? Security is an issue that needs to be redefined as well—what does it look like when we come from an integrated view of reality?
I feel strongly that this present period offers us an amazing opportunity to reprogram our thinking, to be able to see through the old separatist logic, which is now downright stupid, into an ingenious new way of materializing improved solutions to problems, which are really not just national anymore, but part of a global healing process.