Jun 11, 2011 | One Voice in Many
Everything I know now is what I need to work with, now. When I need new information or inspiration, it will be released into my mind at the right time. Nothing will be noticed until the appropriate moment. Premature exposure to knowledge can do no harm because nothing can be premature.
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May 11, 2011 | One Voice in Many
You are a loving child and a cocreator with the Divine, working from a higher plan. The Love of the Divine is actually YOUR love, since in the end, as evolution completes, you discover that you, and all beings, ARE the Divine. The experience of love as your core identity inheres in your nature and cannot be prevented from becoming conscious.
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Apr 11, 2011 | One Voice in Many
We must find our source of internal wisdom, out teacher part, that will guide and remind us of our true identity. That part is the conscience, though in its truest functioning, the word “should” has no place. The essential conscience speaks of truth and gently reminds us of what is real—really real, not superficially real. Over millennia the conscience has become the watchdog for the mind/ego and we’ve forgotten its divine function.
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Mar 11, 2011 | One Voice in Many
The formula is easy: Remember who you really are—the Divine in form. Experience it by meditating and bringing the quality of meditation to your life. Know your natural condition is love and abundance. Have the courage to proceed on intuition or inner flashes, knowing these to be closer to truth than anything logic could devise.
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Feb 11, 2011 | One Voice in Many
What the Divine wants for you is much greater than you can imagine for yourself. No need to limit yourself with dreams of grandeur or glamour, but let those go and you will know a speechless glory that lasts forever. Don’t plan. You limit the Divine Plan. Don’t try to shape. You limit Divine artistry. Don’t look back. You limit your unfoldment.
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Jan 11, 2011 | One Voice in Many
By you being an example of one who chooses love, in difficult times as well as easy ones, others will learn so much more than a book can show. By being willing to share your process and vulnerability with people, they may be encouraged to risk revealing their own caring side. Courage and beauty touch others when words cannot.
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