Business & Intuition

In the not-too-distant future, corporations will have professional intuitives on staff, much like kings and pharoahs in ancient cultures had viziers, astrologers, and dream priests who provided vital information about the unseen factors influencing their success.

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Working with High Vibration

It’s important to stay out of the left brain. The left-brain way of processing information, controlling behavior, and creating reality is too slow, contracted, antiquated, and even painful. It draws guidance only from past experience, and feels disconnected from the rest of life. It is the left-brain that tells us why things won’t work, that we can’t do things until we have proof, that progress must be made gradually and logically.

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Contemplating the End of Suffering

I have been thinking about suffering and how it seems more and more unnecessary to me. Might we let go of the terrible weight we load upon the idea of suffering? Isn’t it strange that love has been assigned as the cause of suffering by so many people? Oscar... read more

Raise Up Your Arms!!

You never know what’s going to capture your attention. For me, it was yesterday when I saw a little child enthralled with a friendly dog outside our local coffee place. She squealed and raised her arms up over her head in a gesture of outright glee.

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Cluetrain Manifesto: Part 3

Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor. Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting some jokes on the corporate web site. Rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine point of view.

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