Nov 28, 2008 | Uncategorized
Greed only works to attract money for a limited time, since under the motive is a powerful contracted belief that there can never be enough to feel truly secure, or to feel truly good about oneself. When there is a desire to control the moneyflow, especially to preserve a sense of self worth based on the kind of power money can bring, there is always an eventual downfall, so the soul can discover the true source of worth, and the true kind of power, which is based on an experience of the simple goodness within.
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Sep 17, 2008 | Uncategorized
Many of you know that I enjoy numerology and use it to some degree in the readings I do, since it tends to give accurate information on timing especially. The numerical patterns depicted below give us a kind of reassurance that there is some deep harmony in the universe. . .
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Aug 25, 2008 | Uncategorized
It’s fine to feel into people, but we need to recenter in our own core vibration after each foray into this sort of empathic information gathering.
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Aug 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
I have recently become embroiled in a situation where I stood up to, or stood out from, a bully who was dominating a group. I was accused of many nasty things that were untrue, and as upsetting as it was to feel my body responding to the adrenaline rushes this person was so adept at creating, the whole situation has proved to be quite interesting energetically. It was interesting to watch other people in the group either hang back or come forward, to see how conflict-avoidant we are right now.
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Jun 13, 2008 | Uncategorized
With the increasing vibration of energy on the planet and in our bodies, we’re all beginning to be sensitive to more things and invisible forces than we’ve ever realized was possible to be sensitive to.
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Apr 14, 2008 | Uncategorized
How much of what I do during any given week focuses primarily on my senses? Make a list of your activities that involve sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Then add at least ten more possible ways to experience each sense. Try doing some of them and see what new ideas they generate.
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