Apr 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
What activities have become second nature to me? What things do I do out of habit? Which of these activities or behaviors still bring something important to my growth and happiness? Is there another, more conscious way I could do this that would suit me better? Which parts of these behaviors could I change or totally dissolve?
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Mar 30, 2008 | Uncategorized
Once you have achieved a physical result, do you let yourself have time to totally enjoy the magic of having it? This is spirit in matter, the quality of your attention shaped into form. Can you internalize everything that has happened and the experience of the outcome?
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Mar 15, 2008 | Uncategorized
Chaos is caused in part by being caught in the polarized, dualistic mind, which stops the natural ebb and flow of awareness. When you take sides and don’t acknowledge how the opposite side exists in you, you will be tossed around until you can hold both sides of any polarity without freezing your attention.
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Mar 5, 2008 | Uncategorized
Listen to the things you say to others for a week. Notice the content when you give advice, explain something or teach, give feedback, or even when you’re just talking to a friend and make a surprising point. Write down the things you hear yourself say, the subjects you bring up; these are messages to you from your soul.
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Feb 27, 2008 | Uncategorized
I experience the Presence in my body, in the air, in the walls, in the trees, in the cars, in the dirt, in the rhythms of my day, in the unfolding of current events, in all the people I meet, and in the unseen ones in other dimensions. Just by noticing, I find the soul in everything.
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Feb 24, 2008 | Uncategorized
The soul talks about what exists. It says, “I am doing this, I experience this, I perceive this.” It cannot embody nonexistent fictitious realities beyond the here and now. The egomind says, “I don’t, I can’t, I won’t,” and repeatedly dives into the past or into negative, potential, or future realities that may never come about.
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