Journaling for Clarity & Intuition

A Six-Month Journal Practice to Refine Your Perception
Discover the true clarity you have access to when you trust your inner self,
notice the subtle messages coming to you, and use what you receive.
Welcome to a 6-month journey to increased awareness of the dynamics of your own intuition. This is a self-paced journal practice designed by Penney Peirce. Six months may seem daunting, but there is great value in developing this sort of deep mindfulness habit and finding your rhythm with it. So many of us have been chronically distracted and fragmented, and now we have the chance to focus and do something truly beneficial with our time. This journal practice can help you clear the patterns that caused the distraction in the first place, and can help you build better habits of concentration and attention.
The course/practice focuses on ideas that direct your attention inside—into underlying reasons, motives, and lessons you’re currently working on to expand your understanding and perceptual skills. It also aims to increase your connection with the imaginal realm and the unlimited nature of your wisdom. You’ll learn to tune in to the subtle states of being we normally gloss over—but which we need to discern easily so we can 1) refine our sensitivity, 2) be able to change our internal state at will, 3) quickly assess what’s going on around us, and 4) make more accurate choices.
Based on Material in Penney’s Comprehensive Guidebook
The Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness
The content of this course will guide you to think more deeply and become aware of things you normally ignore but which can provide useful insights. You will move through the themes in a progressive way, building curiosity about the workings of your own body, mind, and soul—and trust in your own Inner Perceiver.
What You Receive
Each month has a theme that helps you understand various hidden aspects of your life. There are just 3 ideas to journal about each week. That means there are 12 per month (plus a monthly summary prompt) for a total of 72 key ideas. At the end of each month, if you review your results in light of the month’s theme and write about what you’ve learned, new experiences you’ve had, or how you want to integrate the information into your daily life—you’ll be able to track your own evolution!
Month 1: Notice What You Notice—
Be Mindful in an Intuitive Way
Month 2: Pay Close Attention—
Attention Is a Powerful Skill!
Month 3: How Do You Know?—
Identify Subtle States of Being
Month 4: Feel Into Your Body Knowledge—
Sense “Energy Information”
Month 5: Sharpen Your Intuition—
Trust What You Receive!
Month 6: Refine Your Sensitivity—
Empathy Is the Most Natural Way to Know
How to Work with the Course
You can do the course at your own pace. No need to push yourself. You can space the prompts out every other day as Penney designed them (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), spread them out over more time, or you can do them all at once. It’s up to you. The whole experience can take more, or less, than 6 months.
However, “self-paced” implies there is a benefit to pacing! Don’t rush, yet try not to fall behind. Steady as she goes. You can make a happy habit of writing and let yourself have some ruminating time. Insights need integration. Give each idea some space but don’t space out! If you let big gaps of time occur in the process, your momentum and experience of discovery may suffer. You could begin to feel overwhelmed and then might not want to finish the course. And you’d never receive the benefit of your own deep attention.
Favorite journal and pens/pencils at hand?
Or do you have an online journal that uses your favorite fonts?
Let’s have some fun writing with the senses and direct from intuition!
This is thoughtful material designed to guide you into clear knowing.