The Leap of Perception Book Club

7-Part OnDemand Zoom Study & Discussion Group
Based on Penney Peirce’s Award-Winning, Ground-Breaking Book,
Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention
This Book Club focuses on the leading edge content in Penney’s comprehensive guidebook, which features an incisive foreword by Martha Beck. The program is designed to help you totally understand and master the shift in consciousness that is transformation. This is perhaps the most important subject of today and it can change your life from one that is effortful and snagged to one marked by ease, luck, and a naturally positive attitude.
Penney created this course with mindset and transformation coach Kelly Stoks and her unique Book Club. Penney makes guest appearances at many of the meetings. Kelly created considerable detailed notes which she summarized in worksheets for each chapter—and as a result, she really knows the book! The material is recently recorded and definitely stands the test of time!
It’s helpful to work through the content of Leap of Perception alongside a group of people who were engaged and focused on opening and expanding their consciousness. Kelly facilitated many deep dives into the content of Leap and I’m sure you will derive much benefit from doing the exercises and processing your reflections along with them.
The Benefits
The “new perception” helps you virtually dissolve worry and anxiety.
Your imagination increases manyfold. You understand unlimited supply!
Working with focused attention helps you materialize (or dematerialize) any reality you want.
You understand how to work compassionately with people you’re bothered or hurt by.
Your intuition increases; you learn to manage ultrasensitivity and empathy.
You trust yourself, the Flow, and what materializes in your life.
The excuses that interfere with success just drop away!
What You Receive
The content is organized into bite-sized chunks and each video contains at least one guided meditation. You’ll find that the pdf Study Guides prompt important new levels of thoughtfulness and ways to incorporate the information into your daily life.
Session 1: Chapters 1, 2, and 3
Acceleration & Transformation, The Path to Expanded Perception, and How Do You Know?
Penney joins Kelly to set the tone for the course and explain key concepts
about the profound change in our perceptual “Inner Geometry.”
Session 2: Chapters 4, 5, and 6
Unlearn Habits of Old Perception, Recognize the New Perception, and Navigate the Transformation Narrows
Session 3: Chapters 7 & 8
Practice Direct Knowing and Practice the Spherical-Holographic Reality
Penney joins the group.
Session 4: Chapters 9, 10, and 11
Practice Undivided Attention, Practice Flow Attention, and Practice Unified Field Attention
Session 5: Chapters 12 & 13
Practice Collective-Self Attention and Practice Shaping the Imaginal Realm
Penney joins the group.
Session 6: Chapters 14 & 15
Practice “New Human” Abilities and Practice “Pretend Dying”
Session 7: Final Discussion & In-Depth Q/A
Penney joins the group
You receive 7 videos and pdf Study Guides for the 15 chapters of Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention. And, it’s so encouraging to hear what others like you were going through and how they discovered new insights and applied them in their daily reality.
How to Work with the Material
The Leap of Perception Book Club is designed to offer you new stimulation each week, with time between dedicated to further exploration and integration. The material builds and helps you learn to work with the process of transformation and personal energy management. If you’ve already read the book, you might review the chapters in conjunction with watching each video and doing the exercises in the study guides. If you haven’t read the book yet, work with the exercises in the book first, chapter by chapter, and when you finish, go back for a review, using the videos and study guides. You might want to track your progress by noting your responses and progress in a journal or in the comments section on each of the lessons.
Let’s learn to really use our most precious gift—our attention!
This was an absolutely fabulous experience. Being able to chat with Penney, ask questions, and do her guided exercises was a privilege. Kelly held an amazing space for us all and provided great notes and information on upcoming sessions. A lovely and truly expansive Book Club. Thank you Kelly and Penney; I would recommend this to anyone who wants to really understand and get the most from this book.
I enjoyed the moments when Penney answered our questions the most. She wrote the book quite a while ago and it was interesting to hear how she approaches some of the ideas today. It made the content feel fresh and even more interesting. I also like hearing about other people’s experiences during the meditations; it’s fascinating to hear how everyone has their own response to the same words!
Kelly Stoks is a talented leader of the group. She is welcoming, organized, engaging and never seems to rush, and yet we always end on time. Her personal touches and warmth, plus keeping the group on track with the sharing and interaction are excellent.
Kelly provided “cliff notes” with condensed detail for each session, which were invaluable; I appreciate how they aided the group interaction and they’ll be great for future reference too. The recordings and follow up assignments were also helpful. The group itself was engaged and sharing with them opened new ways of thinking.
Kelly does a wonderful job leading the discussion and discovery in her Book Club. I love being encouraged to read in-depth books and then being able to dive deeper with such a thoughtful group. I’m looking forward to the next one.
I loved this course! Penney is such a visionary. I marvel at her amazing mind. Her information is new and needed at this time in our history. Penney joining us was a treat with her insightful contributions, as well as answering questions, and her life-giving meditations. It is a joy to experience her personally! I could read her book a number of times and still learn from her. Her exercises really helped us expand our spiritual abilities.
I loved the synchronicities experienced during the deep group study of Leap of Perception. When I needed guidance I would open the book to the exact page affirming my experiences or someone in the group would affirm similar feelings or experiences. Definitely a life-affirming experience. I am so grateful for and honored to have been part of this experience. Thank you Kelly and Penney!