Penney-a-Day Subscription

Direct to Your Inbox for 365 days!
Do you wish you had a daily reminder to help you raise and stabilize your frequency? Penney will be your companion for a moment each day to help you remember to stop, center, and be present to what’s deep and real. For pennies a day, this specially-designed, beautifully-formatted subscription brings you fresh and encouraging ideas—to keep your intuition, imagination, and personal vibration fluid and clear. Each day of the week you’ll receive a little mental and emotional gift, in the following order:
Day 1: A Vibration-Raising Quote: from Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
Day 2: Dream-Stimulating Quotes: one from Be the Dreamer Not the Dream & one from another recognized authority
Day 3: An Inspiring Poem: selected for the ability to shift you to a higher state
Day 4: A Recentering Thought: focus on one simple empowering truth
Day 5: Intuition-Enhancing Quotes: one from The Intuitive Way & one from another recognized authority
Day 6: A Mindfulness Practice: an affirmation and exercise from Penney’s daybook, The Present Moment
Day 7: A Quieting Prayer: selected for beauty, heart, sincerity, and energetic power
You won’t get bored with this daily wake-up call!
The content is thought-provoking, original, varied, and heart-warming—right up to the last day of the year. Part of the purpose of this simple program is to help you focus on taking a spacious moment or two in the midst of your To Do List pressures, to drop into your home frequency and feel something deeper and more real.
You can use this program in several ways.
You might simply become quiet for one pure present moment and feel deeply. Or, you might turn this daily stimulation into a prompt for a journal-writing practice. Let a process unfold for you each week, and see what comes flowing out of your higher consciousness! Also, feel free to forward any of the daily reminders to your friends if you think they might benefit.

$22 for the year
A book’s worth of material!
Thank you Penney! Boy, did I need to hear this message today. With all the disruption in our country these days I’m constantly distracted and losing my focus. My solution to that is walking out to my backyard to reset back to love.
I am working with your Penney-a-Day and find it very good. Because of time differences (I live in India) I get your email in the evening and think about it before falling asleep. In the morning I wake up with the idea already in my mind. Thank you very much, Penney!
I have been getting a lot from your Present Moment mindfulness practice topics. They help me focus and find a way to live in a deeper, more connected way. I look forward to each day’s surprise! Thanks so much.