SpiritTalk! Gathering – Round 1

The idea behind SpiritTalk! is that we forget that Spirit, or you-the-soul, or your soulgroup, is always in a conversation with you. And you are in many ways throughout the day, and in your dream state, asking for guidance and assistance from those in the nonphysical realms. Are you listening? Are you able to discern answers, especially if they don’t come neatly in words you can understand? Do you ask clearly?
SESSION #1: Dreams, Visions, Waking Dreams & Symbols
SESSION #2: Notice What You’re Noticing: Truth & Anxiety Signals
SESSION #3: Your Inner Perceiver: How Do You Receive Guidance?
SESSION #4: Working with the Subconscious & The OH Cards

I immensely enjoy SpiritTalk! with Penney and Kelly. Exploring various transformational, in-depth soul/spirit topics with kindred spirits is heartwarming. It’s so good to connect with others in a safe and sacred environment. And so affordable!
—Sharon W
It was wonderful to watch the video of this again and sit in the energy of the group. Thank you.
—Flora M
The SpiritTalk! sessions have been such fun! Having a space to share with other like-minded people who have slightly different perspectives really supports expanding my own horizons. I know each time, there will be something for me! I would love to meet more people this way.
—Dawn L, London, UK
I love this group! Thank you for providing such a fun, warm and inspiring place, Kelly, Penney and everyone.
—Yumi N, Tokyo, Japan
I am absolutely loving SpiritTalk!. Meeting like-minded people, discussing experiences, and finding guidance is amazing stuff. Penney’s exercises and insights are so interesting. I’d love to see more people as the group continues—it’s so helpful to talk with people on the same wavelength.
—Chris M, London UK