Do you feel you’ve met people you’ve known before, people you inexplicably resonate with, who share similar ideas and a similar life quest? Do these people often seem more like family than your family of origin? I believe we are part of these resonant, morphological fields of groups of souls, these families of like-minded others, and some of them are alive in a body now — some may be in your family of origin, or in your group of friends or colleagues. Others exist nonphysically in higher dimensions and you might connect with them in dreams or meditation. The concept of spiritual family or the soulgroup is entering mass consciousness now.
A soulgroup is a cluster of beings who have evolved to a common frequency, or level of consciousness, which means they have matching philosophies, worldviews, morality, and motivation. The personalities of these souls will seem quite similar when they meet in the physical world. They’ll have parallel upbringings, interests, life transitions, life experiences, values, and goals.
Meeting a Member of My Soulgroup
I remember the night I was “set up” by friends to meet trance medium Kevin Ryerson, who I’d previously met briefly at a couple of his public trance channellings. He didn’t remember me in the slightest the second time I introduced myself — but of course he’d just come out of a deep trance state. . . But now he was in need of a business manager, and our mutual friends thought I’d be perfect. So he rang my doorbell and I answered it, and he greeted me with full-on enthusiastic recognition—and: we both had on matching salmon pink shirts. His was an insulated underwear- type long-sleeved T-shirt and mine was a silk blouse. We stared at each other and he laughed and said, “I think this must have been set up several lifetimes ago!”
We worked together for four years, and in that time I discovered that we were both Leos, had the same basic numerology charts, both our mothers had been nicknamed “Skip,” we’d both grown up in Ohio, and both had been graphic designers. We both had connections to past lives in Egypt and the Essenes. In our work together, he lived at my house when he visited San Francisco every two weeks, and we conducted something like a spiritual learning center.
We had many evening readings together and in one, Kevin’s entities told me that he and I were like twin souls. It didn’t mean we were what some consider twin flames, but that we were part of a soulgroup, and we had evolved in such a parallel way that we could have actually been each other! Throughout our working relationship, we continued to have a predilection to want to understand and support each other. And though we’re separated by much water under the bridge, we still reconnect with the same feeling whenever the need arises.
Similarly, you may first become aware of a few scattered members of your soulgroup with whom you share special bonds. The experience is typically light-hearted and magical with great rapport. Over time, you may find that the group expands — some people stay close, and some live at a distance yet feel deeply intimate. People come and go but the feeling of communion remains. Your soulgroup contains earthly friends, both present and absent, as well as all your friends in spirit — your guides, teachers, ancestors, and loved ones who have died.
I think it’s important for us to start to have conscious gatherings with our soulgroup, both in meditation and socially in real life. First, it helps us realize that we are not alone, that we have support from people who want us to be good and successful. We need to know there are wise people who know us, to whom we can turn for guidance when we need it. When you’re quiet and imagine them, they immediately imagine you — and you’re connected. Whatever you need to know is just there in the space with you. By imagining them regularly, your body adjusts and stabilizes at the higher frequency of the group, the way a tuning fork transmits its resonance. This is because you remind each other of the elegance, effortlessness, and beauty of spiritual principles. And then you progress rapidly in your spiritual growth.
I don’t know about you, but for me it can be difficult to imagine what “God” is because it’s such an infinite reality. I know I’m supposed to have faith, but if I can’t feel or imagine the divine, it’s hard to know it’s real. By imagining my soulgroup, I can move up to an interim step between my personal reality and the “God” reality. It’s not so hard to experience this group, and once there, I can learn to jump up another level. So the soulgroup can be a stepping-stone to experiencing more of our divine source.
Treat Others Like They’re in Your Soulgroup
What if the people who trouble or misunderstand you are in your soulgroup, too? What if some of the people on your wavelength are there to help you dislodge the last remnants of old limiting beliefs and emotional wounds so you can be more available to the soulgroup? I think we are often of service to each other in this way.
It’s a good practice to see that each person who comes to you is a gift, a messenger, and they allow the soulgroup’s collective wisdom to remind you of higher truths as you learn to connect with others. This practice helps me remember that there is no hierarchy of souls, that each person who shows up is wise and has a message to give that is perfect for the moment. Whatever comes out of their mouth is exactly what I need. Everything they think of to do is like me thinking of it. Since I’ve been practicing this I’ve had a shift in the quality of my personal relationships.
With grace, when we practice this sort of inclusiveness, openness, and non-defensiveness, the other person can allow me to be the messenger of the divine to serve them as well; they can have the insight that whatever I say is perfect for them — and this trust thing starts building.
Here’s something you can do to entertain yourself: Allow yourself to be a spokesperson for your soulgroup. “Okay! Here’s my mouth. Here’s my brain. Here are my hands, my feet. I’ll go where I’m directed by my intuition, I’ll talk to the people I reach, and say the things that want to be said.” Let your group’s wisdom guide you. Be willing to receive new thoughts. Let the Flow move you and realize that a big part of the Flow is actually composed of your soulgroup wisdom. “We” are collaborating to create the Flow. When you include the soulgroup in what happens, things turn around and miracles occur. You serve them and they serve you.
The Destiny Body Model of Awareness and Reality
I was in working Japan for five weeks on one trip, doing readings almost every day, working with an interpreter. It was wonderful and stressful. I’d go outside, couldn’t read the signs or understand anything, was overwhelmed with more people than I’d ever experienced, and was simultaneously feeling very isolated.
My dream life became hyperactive and I had one especially powerful, revelatory dream. A man in a spaceship came down and gave me instructions about what I was to do next in the work of my soulgroup. I forgot it, of course, in the morning. It was my day off, so at breakfast I started writing in my journal. As ideas popped into my head, I wrote them down. I wrote for three hours. I was given a new way of thinking, or maybe an ancient way of thinking, about reality. I knew this is what my dream instructions had been about. Let me see if I can describe this to you, because it relates to fellowship and the soulgroup.
I was given the image of threads of light connecting every living being, every event, every thought. It was like a huge spherical grid of light tracks, and where lines crossed there were nodules of light that glowed; this was where events and meetings occurred. Inside that gridwork was a little section that was lit up brilliantly. This part they called the active tracks, and it corresponded with the place where my own physical body was in any given moment. So the active tracks are my present moment, my personal reality.
They said the whole grid is my destiny and it includes all the tracks of my life actions and events, and the people and things I would be involved with. As I grow and evolve, I include more and more of the lines and nodules of light within myself and eventually the entire grid becomes my body of knowledge — and my Self. As that happens, I understand myself to be more and more of a collective being.
I was fascinated by the fact that they tied together the concept of destiny and body. My destiny and my vast body of knowledge, or reality, or Self, are the same thing. I could see that our physical body is the nucleus of that vast body, which is a conglomeration of experiences through time and space. Just as we have nerves and acupuncture lines in our physical body, there is a similar, more macrocosmic version of a body beyond us, with lines and tracks of a more universal nature.
Misbehaving in the Light Grid
They continued to explain that when we don’t feel much of a sense of self — what might be called lack of “self-worth,” we don’t stay in the present moment, in our active tracks. We go projecting off into the future or past with our mind, or we project into someone else’s reality. “I’d like to be like her!” And I imagine myself over there and I merge with her, and then I feel her reality. They said that I often took my mind into another “quadrant,” or section of the destiny body, because I hadn’t fully experienced my own self-worth yet. I was looking into my future for things that were more interesting and exciting. Unconsciously, I assumed if I started to play over there I’d feel better. Or I’d go into someone else’s life pattern and say, “Maybe my work should be like that.” When I found something interesting over there, I’d put my attention in that nodule and it would start to light up and become active. They said that what makes a section of the grid light up is the conscious mind, or living attention, merging with the tracks. When you merge into them totally, the reality materializes.
Okay! Well, here’s my body over here and I’ve projected over there into another section of the grid and I’m paying attention to that and it’s starting to light up. It rises up like a wave in the ocean, and sends out ripples of electromagnetic energy. What happens is that I create a wave through the grid, but it’s a wave of distortion coming from another present moment back to the actual present moment I’m in. It hits my physical body and reality, and this is experienced by the physical body as confusion and grief; grief because you feel separate from the thing you think you want.
They said that to the exact proportion that you “displace” out of the active tracks of your own present moment into some other place, you will experience the exact percentage of distortion in your present reality. By distortion they meant negative emotions, snags, missed opportunities, unfulfilled desires, and feelings of being out of sync — like timing that isn’t right, or nobody is cooperating.
To the extent that you stay in the present moment in your active tracks with a feeling of deservingness and enjoyment of what you have, your life would materialize with grace. Everything would flow to you and fall in your lap with no distortion. They said that the distortion creates negative emotion. Negative emotions especially are a distortion of what should be. When you are using your perception correctly you won’t have negative emotional realities. You have sensitivity, but not emotion. You have awareness.
The other thing that happens when you displace yourself out of your active tracks and start to activate another nodule on the grid, and send out ripples and pulses, is you send subtle energetic messages to the people who are supposed to be meeting with you in that other reality that say, “Hey, I’m over here now. Come on and meet me.” And they’re somewhere else in their active tracks, not there yet. So you send waves into other people’s realities and distort their ability to be in harmony and function properly, as well as into your own.
They said if I really wanted to be of the highest service, I’d realize that I don’t want to interfere with another person’s free will and destiny. There is such a thing as natural timing that occurs in the totality of the grid’s functioning. I knew I didn’t want to make life more difficult for anyone.
A Large Soulgroup of Earth Weavers
Another part of the explanation was that there is a group of beings who work with the grid — the destiny body — who, when parts of the grid get too chaotic because of mind distortion, move about the planet in both the physical and nonphysical realities to calm things and “massage” the grid back into harmony so it doesn’t “rip” as the result of some sort of psychic storm.
It’s crucial that the energetic fabric of this planet stay together. They said that whenever you are feeling distortion in your own life, someone will be sent to help massage you back into right thinking, right perception. If you are becoming conscious and have vowed to be of service, you won’t get very far with ignorance these days. You will be able to be returned to the center of your active tracks very quickly now, so relax. And of course, if you wish, you will be directed to do that for other people, too. This whole “lesson” I’d been given was to show me the inner workings of the great human soulgroup and the importance of fellowship — that fellowship is the natural, harmonious functioning of our collective consciousness based on love.
This destiny body model reminded me that there is a geometric, energetic underpinning to our reality. And that there is a correct, or skillful way, to use my perception — that the way I use my mind actually affects the reality of all other people. Of course, in my work doing visioning for people I realized that there was a way to do it that creates distortion, and a way that doesn’t. They said that when you expand into a visionary state of consciousness, it’s okay to move out through this destiny body and see the “future” and “past” — really just different possible realities existing at different frequencies — and to know things. But it must be done in a way that doesn’t have willpower or ego attached to it.
Before, I had been looking into something with desire, like, “I want the answer to that.” It was willpower that caused the waves, the reaction, because it comes from the idea that I don’t have the thing I want—when actually I already do have it and haven’t recognized it yet. They explained there is a softer way to know: you relax in trust and just expand out. You feel the whole destiny body as your own body. As you move back and forth through the destiny body this way, you’re just “being with” it, including it. That movement helps sustain and nourish the whole because the entirety is loved and simply acknowledged by your presence and consciousness. As long as you don’t feel you need to know or act on anything. Where there is trust in the moment, you can impersonally know the whole personally, and yet stay fully present within the lit up active tracks of your personal reality.
From this destiny body model I also get the feeling of how all people and events are interconnected, interdependent, and cocreating each other. The image I received was that when all people can consciously expand out through the entire destiny body without making waves — when we do it in a concerted way — the planet will be enlightened.
To conclude, I suggest you might use the image of the soulgroup and the streams of light coming into your body at night before you go to sleep. Lie down and receive the threads of light from all directions and let yourself be nurtured and softened. As you go to sleep imagine that your body is not dropping down, not falling into sleep, but expanding out to merge into more of your soulgroup, then the great soulgroup of humanity and the earth — the destiny body — so that you are becoming a big ball of light at night. See if that image works for you and see what happens to your dreams and waking life. I have a feeling you’re going to meet the people you are destined to work with very soon, and that you’ll see how the real work of our soulgroup in uplifting our planet and humanity is already underway.
Copyright by Penney Peirce
You have managed to put into words the way of our world, our lives. “Relax in trust and just expand out”. I’m not always there yet, but I know the place. Thank you for your writings. This one blew me open.