I’m Penney!
I’m a spiritual teacher and visionary, a clairvoyant and empath.
I write popular, pioneering books that clarify expanded perception and transformation.
I like tracking our personal and societal process of waking up,
and I’m fascinated by sensing what’s next and how things will unfold.
I don’t fit neatly into expectations—both my names are spelled oddly, for example.
And after that start in life, I learned to value the original and unorthodox.
I reinvent myself often, as I incorporate what’s new
and wiser-than-before into my self-expression.
I love the unusual, yet find universal similarity and simplicity in all.
I have an artistic, poetic bent and a penetrating, analytical, practical mind.
I’m an awe-struck mystic and find business, money, and leadership fascinating.
I’m a designer who loves the precision, balance, and interrelationship of detail,
and a counselor who is delighted by how complex and surprising people are.
Inside, I’m a soul connected to all souls, all forms of life,
loving the sanity of the flow, trusting the process of evolution,
and adoring the love, energy, and consciousness inside all matter.
It’s time to integrate our new, higher consciousness into how we live and what we create.
It’s time to make the intuitive way and the Intuition Age—normal!
Connect with me through my books, courses, interviews, or
intuitive mentoring. I want to know you and help any way I can.

Find the Power of Clarity, Authenticity, Trust, and—yes—Exposure!
Seeing Through to Our
Expanded Human Capacity
Transparency is the fourth pioneering book
in Penney Peirce’s Transformation Series
In this book, I address the fundamental causes of society’s code of secrets and lies and reveal how clearing these fear-based ideas—even in this “bridge time” of uncertainty and chaos between two vastly different realities—frees you to fulfill the life you’re built for. I send a hopeful message: There is great power and intelligence in being vulnerable, honest, authentic, undefended, and available!
I describe how life will function as we leave the Information Age and enter the new, transparent Intuition Age—how it feels to be super-clear and awake. As you dissolve the causes of your old opacity, life shifts to become frictionless and the soul’s motives materialize without distortion. The results are genius, effortless results, joyful service, and unlimited possibilities.
This is a hands-on guidebook, filled with “Try This!” exercises that help you integrate the important concepts presented. At the end of each chapter is a “Transparency Message” that speaks to you directly from a higher consciousness state.
Transparency can help you:
- develop an enlightened way of living and return to it if you backslide. Experiential exercises help you clear blockages rapidly and thoroughly, accurately identify the feeling state of transparency, and have the courage to show up fully in your life.
- learn that being seen for all of who you are relieves pain and suffering. Secrets, lies, and hiding are no longer necessary—or even functional. Honesty, simplicity, and true humility produce genius and wisdom.
- to be seen accurately and to see through situations that blind and confuse others. You have X-ray vision! Clarity in yourself equates to clarity everywhere.
This book is for anyone wondering “What’s next in consciousness?” and “Is our world evolving in a positive direction?”
What People Are Saying
“Here’s another in a series of leading edge books from a gifted visionary. With Transparency, Penney Peirce moves further into her detailing of personal and societal transformation, describing what real, radical transparency is and how we can embody it—both in our own lives and in our relationships and organizations. This material is timely and so necessary.”
—Mike Dooley, New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities
“In the tech and startup world, everyone is searching for the next big thing, the ‘unicorns’ that will be multi-billion dollar companies. Look no further. Everything you need to know is in this book. Transparency gives you the tools to unlock your mind to make better, smarter, more intuitive business decisions. Whether you’re an investor or an entrepreneur, this is a must-read for unlocking a new type of intelligence and knowledge.”
—Vivian Rosenthal, Founder of Snaps and Founder-in-Residence of Google’s Design Incubator
“Penney Peirce’s Transparency is a true treasury of practices that ushers readers into their radiant simplicity of being, the Self that has dropped the illusions of being separate from the Whole, allowing itself to be utterly authentic and seen.”
—Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation and Life Visioning
Being Transparent in a Transparent World Is an Idea Whose Time Has Come!

To discover much more about each book and read excerpts, just click on the cover!
The Transformation Series

Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity

The Transforming Power of Your Attention

The Power of Personal Vibration
The award-winning, pioneering work on the transformation process, energy dynamics, and the Intuition Age. International best-seller

The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness
Beloved classic on intuition development and application—a comprehensive course in 10 steps! International best-seller
Intuition & Dreams

A Daybook of Clarity & Intuition
This daybook helps you develop your intuition. It gives three things to contemplate each day: a positive statement to focus on, an exercise to do and write about, and a story that pertains to the theme of the day. There are additional sections that describe key aspects of intuition development.

This handy, small-format dream dictionary has no equal! Each symbol is intepreted on three levels: What would it mean if it were about your physical process, emotional process, and mental-spiritual process? The insights teach you how to feel into and relate to symbols.

A Guide to 24-Hour Consciousness
A comprehensive guidebook for working with dreams, symbols, and higher realms of consciousness. Equal in impact and detail with the books in the Transformation Series. Filled with dreamlike, inspirational illustrations by Norwegian artist Peter Esdaile.
Essays on Consciousness
Longer think pieces and shorter things, too: poems, exercises, quotes, lists, and tips

Thoughts on Emotion, Ending Struggle, and Living with the “Big Dark Hidden”

Thoughts on the Feminine, the Flow, Presence, and Becoming the World

Thoughts on Coming Trends in Education, Politics, Business, and World Events
What People Are Saying
“Leap of Perception is a work of unbridled imagination that offers great guidance amidst the accelerated transformation of our times. Penney Peirce suggests we have entered the Intuition Age when we can use the powers of the nonphysical dimensions to create anything in our solid world. She unmasks the power of human creativity and offers very impressive simple and potent mastery techniques. Leap of Perception is a must-read for anybody who desires total freedom and unlimited creativity.”
—Barbara Hand Clow, author of Awakening the Planetary Mind
“In Frequency, this potent and evocative exploration of the new art and science of frequency dynamics, Peirce brings profound knowledge and speculation that inspires as it excites. If applied across many disciplines, it provides a basis for new ways of being and doing, health and creativity.”
—Jean Houston, PhD, author of Jump Time and A Passion for the Possible

“Penney’s Present Moment daybook is a fine guide to stepping into the river of life’s daily experiences and coming out changed. Intriguing stories provide models for exploring the layers in our own days’ stories. The journaling exercises extend the experience by sparking deeper investigation, reminding us to find intuitive meaning and inspirational opportunities in each day’s richness. Decades of counseling experience shine through Penney’s fluid, generous, intelligent writing style. This long-admired book stands the test of time.”
—Susie Surtees, Designer, Writer, Artist, Coach; Ballarat, Australia

I can bring uncommon clarity to
your personal life and business.
I’ve been tuning in to the inner patterns of people’s lives, and of group dynamics, for many years. I’ve helped thousands of people in cultures all around the world. And I still love doing it.
I work with growth-oriented people who understand the benefits of integrating spiritual principles into all aspects of everyday life—from personal self-expression, to relationships, to right livelihood and business ventures, to the functioning of organizations.
What I like to focus on.
- What blind spots are in your way?
- How might your next level of genius look?
- What are you built for?
- What important insights are missing?
- How can you shift out of limited, linear, left-brain thinking to know directly?
- How can you build radical trust?
- How might your personal process unfold most beneficially?
- How can you and your business function successfully in the Intuition Age?
I enjoy helping you define an accurate vision, and redefining it as it evolves. And, I like helping you create a conscious action plan. Overall, I want you to experience how your whole life can be a single stream of soul expression, how you can live the new intuition lifestyle. My Mentoring and How to pages detail a variety of ways we can work together.

Just for fun!
Here are some things you can do to get a taste of what’s covered in my books and teachings. Pick from these tools according to your inclination—and experiment with opening your intuition and expanding your consciousness! Self-entertainment is a very high state!
Sit comfortably in front of a mirror, eyes open, good lighting. Focus your attention in the center of your head. Shift into silence. Relax the muscles around your eyes and in your face. Watch your eyes in the mirror. Keep your attention focused on the energy coming out of the eyes. Let yourself feel (not verbally define): Who am I? Let the energy of the eyes in the mirror come into you. Keep opening and receiving. Watch for 5 minutes.
1. Make a list of 5 people you know well but haven’t seen for a while. Quickly list 3 things you feel about each one’s body or state of mind. For each of those people, pretend that you are looking out from inside them, through their eyes. List 3 things you see.
2. Now pretend you are inside each person and thinking their thoughts. List 3 things they are preoccupied with.
3. Try the same thing while you’re waiting at the airport or in line at the market.
1. Close your eyes and get centered. Imagine stepping out of your physical body in your energy body. As you step away from your physical body, you are in the realm where energy and knowledge travel faster.
2. Think of a person you want to send a message to. Feel convinced about communicating with them. Visualize the person and feel their energy; you might even call their name in your mind: “Michael, let’s be aware of each other now.” See them appear in their energy body in front of you. Make eye contact. Let your energy fields merge.
3. Form the thought clearly and place it in the center of their head and the center of their heart.
4. Thank the person, separate your energy, and go back to your body.
5. Rest assured the message was received.
Journal Prompts
1. List 3 things you were impatient about this week, areas of your life where you wanted instant results. How could you transform each frustrating experience so it offers greater depth? What might you learn from each thing if you gave it more time and attention?
2. List 3 times this week when someone was impatient with you. If they had taken more time with you, what might they have learned? What benefit did they not receive from you?
Write a prayer to your favorite spiritual figure or divine source. Make it personal and meaningful. Ask for what you want the most, and say what you want to give. Tell what you’re grateful for and what your intentions are.
Write about the people and areas of your life you tend to ignore, to gloss over, to go unconscious about. How could you improve your impeccability in these areas or with these people?
Write about what fascinates you to the point of total involvement. In what activities do you allow yourself to “learn as you go,” to be self-taught? Recall the effortless quality of your work at times like these. Describe in detail how it feels emotionally and physically to be involved in a soul activity.
Let your mind feel relaxed, like a loose muscle, and clear any images or thoughts. Then wait for a new image to appear. Take the first one you get. Let that image turn into something else; take the next image that appears. Let that one turn into yet another. Maybe your first image is a ladder. That turns into a giraffe, which turns into a tree, which turns into a green balloon, which turns into a parrot flying in the sky, which turns into a paperclip, which turns into a tiny whirlwind scooting across your desk. . . Keep going, entertaining yourself, keeping the process fluid and animated, like a living cartoon, for 5 minutes.
Pretend your brain-mind is a muscle. Tense it and contract it right now, as though it were a fist. Tighten both fists as well and squinch your eyes closed. Make your brain-mind feel hard and tight. Hold it until you feel like shaking. Then suddenly, let it go slack and loose, let your wrists go limp and your eyes drop open. Don’t focus on anything in particular. Shake out your hands. Go blank, go blah. In fact, open your mouth and hang your jaw down, all the while moaning something like “Duhhhh.” Just “hang” for a minute without commenting to yourself. Let your attention be soft.
1. Imagine a clearing in nature. In the center of that space is a shining crystalline dome. Walk up to it, around it, and place your hands on its walls. Feel the vibration of the crystal and adjust your body in frequency until you match the vibration. As you do, your hands will pass through and your entire body will be able to “walk through walls.” Go inside.
2. Feel the quality of the ultra fresh air and clean energy inside. Everything inside this dome comes from your soul and highest truth. Connect to the heavens and the earth and begin any intuitive work you want to do. You are safe; you can trust what happens.

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