[This is the time of the Opening of Pandora’s Box, when all the little demons and pests are released—those long-stored, suppressed, subconscious traumas, terrors, griefs, and rages. It is the Time of Clearing, when we learn to dissolve fear and suffering and become transparent. Transparency is a state of being that allows I-the-Soul to flow unimpeded through the various “bodies” or frequencies of consciousness (causal, mental, emotional, etheric, physical) to guide and educate Me-the-Personality about living in a frictionless way and creating the life experience I’m built for.
So, we are experiencing an ongoing release of negativity personally, and in the collective, societal mind—it’s why ugliness, meanness, domination, and hate have been flooding our lives and the media. These are all cover-ups for deep-set fear and panic. Yet there is a powerful force that resists and demeans this clearing: EGO. Ego—the experience of the disconnected, isolated self—wants to maintain its power structure and keep things the way they were. It doesn’t want to experience chaos or the Void.]
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So what about the virus-related panic in the stock market? What about not being able to earn your salary? That’s pretty darn real! Yes, this fear contraction is happening, but we don’t have to add to the contraction with more panic and dire predictions. Remember: the stock market runs on greed and fear. And that is an artifact of the old linear reality of the ego. The ego grants money great power—to have it reinforces ego as the true identity. It makes us dominators. Not having it makes us victims. But the soul-based reality doesn’t experience limitation or one upsmanship, it doesn’t say money is about survival and success. It’s just a measure of energy and flow.
Today, in the end days of the old Industrial and Information Age realities, we misunderstand money. In the inner realms, money is like a loving child. It is an obedient entity that follows our direction without question. If we love it and welcome it, it stays with us and loves us back. If we give it generously to others and allow it freedom and fluidity, more comes to us. If we hoard and try to control it, we are sure to lose it eventually—because the underlying belief we hold that acts as our instruction to money’s flow is that we never have enough.
Money copies our inner energy blueprint. Do we operate in trust and compassion or with distrust and selfishness? Do we allow it to serve us? Do we accept that gains may come as we live in a state of being where luck and generosity seem natural, and losses may occur when our minds have been fixated on being critical, or that life is unfair, or that we might be destitute in the future? Perhaps we simply haven’t loved or used the gift of our money’s presence fully enough, so it becomes unconscious and fades away.
So, as the stock market crashes with fear, validating the scarcity reality, shall we agree? Shall we crash, too? Weep and moan and wail? Or can we simply, calmly, focus our attention on what we do have, how life is working, how troughs turn to crests, and the Flow always corrects itself because that is a universal law. Up-down-up-down and on and on. Stay the course, don’t stop the Flow with panic and drama, or try to outwit it with cleverness.
Get the message: You are actually fine. You are alive. Life is working. Nature is working. Under the chaos is a peaceful, wise place. Go there. Stop time. In each moment there is an action that is both a solution to a problem and a step into a new creation. Do the next productive thing. Keep your eyes peeled. Not to avoid more negativity, but to be informed of what your next joyful, purposeful act is.
It’s interesting, too, how Coronavirus brings up the issue of isolation and group interaction. The old consciousness sees this as an either-or situation: Either we have to be quarantined and alone OR communing in groups could kill you. Both options seem to be punishments and deprive us of freedom. The new consciousness, on the other hand, sees this as win-win. I isolate myself to care for myself AND to care for others. We serve each other by serving ourselves in a compassionate manner first. Others make the world safer for me by practicing safety measures.
The message is clear: This is not a foreign invader, it is a shared invader. It is the catalyst for a human process of globalization of care, calmness, and compassion. It teaches us that we need each other, that we are intricately connected with each other—and with everything we touch. We share the air, we breathe each other’s breaths. We begin to respect the existence and power of unseen things.
And so, we are quarantined. We are to stay home, distance from others, and avoid social gatherings. Perhaps even, to ration our toilet paper! Goodness! Use less? What are we to do with these forced “time outs” and cabin fever? Haven’t we been trying to meditate and practice mindfulness? Haven’t we wanted time to just be? And aren’t we terribly distracted with social activity, work, family responsibilities, and watching youtube videos?
Perhaps this is another big message: Be quiet! Get centered! Stop matching the crazy frequency of the virus and potential losses and raise your vibration to that refined state you know as inner beauty, profound satisfaction, ecstatic appreciation, gleeful creativity, and diaphanous love.
And what about all the neglected parts of yourself? Your inner artist, gardener, writer, cook, reader of great books, hungry student, or master organizer? What about your inner dreamer? Some say viruses are like seeds. They can lie inert for long periods until they come in contact with something truly alive, in this case a nice, juicy-wet mucus membrane. I wonder if we aren’t similar, resting in our semi-dead beliefs and dulling habits, waiting for something life-giving to brush past. We’re waiting for the touch of the soul, though, to light us up and set us to expanding. Imagine yourself touched by the light right now. Activate your new life and expand gleefully!
Perhaps you know the saying, “Praise Allah, but tie your camel to the post.” Let’s work in both worlds. Don’t ignore or minimize either. Wash your hands, clean your body and environment, don’t touch your face, protect your airways when necessary, strengthen your immune system, stay away from crowds, and follow the protocols. Protect your loved ones and elders by advocating healthy practices.
At the same time, work in the nonphysical reality. Find your home frequency—your soul-in-the-body state, that feeling you have when life is beautiful and working like a charm. Stay in it. Express your best stuff. Don’t backslide into panic, depression, blame, or criticism—and correct yourself quickly if you do. Don’t unconsciously reinforce negative beliefs about life. Don’t add to suffering. Proceed as if you are lucky and creative and loved and supported by others, seen and unseen.
Make it your job to lift people up rather than keep them subdued and on the verge of hopelessness. We are headed for transparency!! In a transparent energy body, a transparent emotional body, and a transparent mental body, no virus can attach itself. No mental viruses can brainwash you. No emotional viruses can manipulate your mood, and no physical viruses can trick your immune system.
Perhaps Coronavirus has come to help us see through our own ego-based behaviors and identity—to cut through illusions rapidly. Cycles may repeat a few times but the track we’re on is an expanding spiral. With each pass, improvement. Contractions always release and expand again. Stay in trust, stay in the Flow, minute by minute, noticing what you need to notice. When we come back together to celebrate the passing of this phase, we will be more of ourselves and so much more respectful and loving to each other.
This is such an important world event with such promise of clarity.
Copyright by Penney Peirce
Thank you. Thank you for giving me something to read, something to turn to that helps. Thank you for being here.
I see this as a deep AWAKENING that we are all connected-to truly understand this and transcend the ME and YOU-THE CORRECTION!
Oh. My. God. Thank you a quadzillion times for these two posts–I could feel the heaviness and contraction lift just reading them. It’s been harder than usual lately not to get caught in the undertow of fear and physicalist perception, and I hope every entity capable of blessing people blesses you for being able to remain above it and give us a better perspective. I think I’ll feel better even if I do get the virus, now! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Penny! HI! In the past eight years, I have read all your brillaint books in succession, and absolutely love and appreciate all your insight and thoughtfulness! They ahve helped me tremedously on my journey of personal and spiritual growth. I knew this event was going to be a huge catalyst for raising our world frequency, and ofetn think back to your book!! I have been waiting for this, and believe all you have written is so true!! Thank you for being a guide and teacher, I’m so excited for the now where love, compassion, honesty, integrity, and intuition are playing such key roles. I just picked up “Transparency” again. So spot on!! Stay healthy and safe. Much love ~Sonia
Hi Sonia, every word you said, exactly as you said it – I dido from the depth of my heart!
Thank you Penney!
Thank you Penney for stating this so beautifully. I saw you in 1995 in Tokyo for a session and still marvel at how that changed my life. Thanks to you, I am still here 25 years later. I completely trust your wisdom and intuitively already knew all that you said. The internal work that we do now will be so important for us to transform the external. This has helped me to see those reacting out of fear in a different light. I am more compassionate towards them.
Thanks, Rick. I remember you! And am happy to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to send a comment. . .
Your sentences, Penney, are my daily mantras. The way you put together the what where and how of spiritual wisdom – pulled me together; while most other spiritual teachings – void, emptiness, you don’t exist because you never existed in the first place – made my molecules spread out screaming into the vastness. I frequently remind myself, I’m never alone – we’re all connected, yet I’m an individual, and powerful at that. Whenever I catch my mind wandering or locking into a redundant topic I shake it up with “…don’t waste your attention”; it’s our attention that holds the power! I squeeze as much gratitude out of myself as it raises my vibration like nothing else, and keep breathing into my three inner home centres to empower them. Your wisdom is my oxygen!!!
You’ve found the point between spirit and soul and thus – birthing soul from spirit. You give us the vastness in digestible dozes. Being flooded with confusing varieties of spiritual teachings – this is an immeasurable gift.
On a not smaller scale, your teaching keeps sending me back to my centre to grow from there -rather than from attachments and illusions.