I provide uncommon clarity.
What would you like to explore?
I work with growth-oriented people who understand the benefits of integrating spiritual principles into all aspects of life—personal self-expression, relationships, career and business ventures, and even the functioning of organizations.
I offer two kinds of input: Insight, which helps you find internal clarity and truth, and Guidance, which helps you make clear decisions and take accurate action. I cut through to the heart of what’s most important, to bring light to the subtle and hidden things we often overlook, but which affect outcomes. I see both the high, long view and the right-now-next-task view.
I find blindspots and help you see why they’ve been there so you can clear them quickly, without guilt or regret. I feel into the pattern of what new gifts and directions you might materialize and how the sequencing is likely to occur. What might your life be like when you clear your clutter and become transparent? Whoo Hoo!
Intuitive Mentoring is conversational, spontaneous, compassionate, and oriented toward the present moment. Ethically, the content is presented so no negative programming or interference with free will results. All information is confidential.
How I Do What I Do
I intuitively access the whole brain, body, and field of energy around us. I merge with my higher mind, which is like a pool of knowledge shared by many beings of a common frequency. When I come from this state of being, I am the group mind, and insights appear as my own thoughts. I’ve learned to trust this process.
Once I’m in that unified state, I merge with your “field” or “pattern”—or an organization’s field—and allow myself to become one with it as well. Then it’s as if I know you (or the organization) from the inside. I also feel into a larger amount of time and an expanded dimensionality, potential, and the soul’s (or souls’) motive for a particular outcome.
As far as I can tell, no specific being speaks through me. I am one with the higher knowledge-pool and so are you—and it is quite neutral. We are all collaborating to bring through helpful insights. I don’t try to see the “future” but often experience your most probable, next, higher-frequency reality and how it is likely to unfold.
I am guided naturally to give what can be used and what empowers you.
If you are at the end of a creation cycle, I cannot jump ahead and see the new form before you’ve worked with the all-important liminal space experience—drawing conclusions, feeling satisfied, re-entering the being state and imaginal realm, and allowing what’s just right to gestate and become your new inner blueprint. We can’t just “skip a step.” There is conscious completion and conscious initiation to be done. I can give a loose description of potential directions, but mainly, I guide you in how to make the shift. On the other hand, if you’ve been resting and gestating and are ripe for vision, decision, and action, I normally access lots of detail about the new path, process, and probable results.
I don’t tell you what to do or try to clear your blocks. I invite you into an expanded kind of knowing and provide actionable input. You are in charge of your reality and what makes sense and works for you. You make your own choices. Read more about my ethics.
Intuitive Mentoring is Effective!
- Using intuitive mentoring as a clarity tool helps you obtain higher perspective from a neutral third party. It reminds you of the most current evolution of your “big picture.”
- It helps you eliminate cluttered thinking and recenter into your best self, life purpose, strengths, and new avenues for self-expression. You receive sophisticated spiritual guidance and practical worldly advice.
- You move through stuck places and blindspots quickly by finding the messages in events, problems, or setbacks. We reframe problems so they basically solve themselves.
- We uncover that missing insight or slightly different view that helps the last important piece click into place, making all systems: GO!

What are you built for?
And how can your optimal life expression come about?
Use Personal Mentoring to:
Clear your mind and optimize energy habits
- Doublecheck your sense of things.
- Remind you of your potential and help you experience that truth.
- Clarify conflicting viewpoints and overwhelming information.
- Uncover the missing insight or slightly different view that lets everything “click.”
- Find insights about raising your frequency and working with energy.
Access higher insight
- Look into your new phase of life—what’s about to happen and how?
- Interpret mystifying dreams or visions.
- Gain fresh perspective on a troubling person, situation, or transition that’s slowing you down.
- Sense which options will pay off most, and soonest.
- Assess different locations for home, work, or travel.
Change what doesn’t work in your life
- Make a difficult decision, solve a complex problem.
- Clear repeating negative patterns; recover from backsliding.
- Untangle relationship problems.
- Dissolve the underlying factors contributing to poor health, and learn to heal.
- Materialize the resources you want and need.
- Eliminate worry and negative thinking.
- Refine performance, achieve better results with less force and control.

What People Are Saying
“There are times in life when you feel you’ve gone off track and can’t tell the difference between what’s possible and wishful thinking. Enter Penney. She is compassionate yet objective, and has the most amazing practical insights! She showed me both the internal obstacles and external challenges I needed to overcome to have the kind of life I want. She helped me put my problems into perspective, and broke down the most daunting tasks into manageable steps. She gave me what I needed to get out of the woods, back on the path, and moving in the right direction again. I highly recommend her—she’s an excellent business and personal advisor.”
—Carey Cress, Legal Consultant, Corporate Trainer
“Penney brings the tools of the ancient ones into a heart-filled place. I felt truly seen for who I am. She helped me integrate the totality of my being and bring forth new hope and understanding of my life. She’s just wonderful!”
—Genny Wright Davis, Director of the Center for Spiritual Healing, San Francisco, CA
“Penney has great integrity and a deep understanding of metaphysics. In her teaching and counseling she consistently inspires people to increase their own level of insight.”
—Kevin Ryerson, Trance Medium featured in Shirley MacLaine’s books
“Many sincere thanks for your time, insight, support, and warmth of person. In a life that is easily persuaded to fall into the rigidity of habit and sameness, you have a unique ability to breathe fresh air and ‘wonder’ back into others’ minds and feelings. Your centeredness and mindfulness were most evident during our entire conversation; yours is an immeasurable gift—one that creates meaning and wholeness in the place of fear and confusion. I give thanks for the depth of your compassion and the joy and purpose of your work.”
—Henry Smiley, Composer and Counselor, Nashville, TN

What are you building?
How can your creation materialize most accurately, and smoothly?
I find that the external success of entrepreneurs, executives, managers, and leaders parallels their proportion of internal expanded-to-contracted-consciousness. Internal and external always parallel each other. I can pinpoint areas where improvement in one arena will precipitate a shift in the other. That is why, at the start, Business Mentoring often addresses issues covered by Personal Mentoring, then moves on into the materialization process of your work vision.

Use Business Mentoring to:
- Understand the correlations between your inner personal dynamics and business success.
- Clarify the changes you feel coming concerning the form of your business expression.
- Compare potentials for the success of various action paths and how outcomes might unfold.
- Find the core causes of, and innovative solutions to, problems.
- Understand how and why your process has become snagged or off-course.
- Shed light on hidden agendas and “yes, buts” that interfere with success, whether they’re entirely yours, or shared with partners, management team, employees, or customers.
- Identify trends, branding, name and position new ventures.
- Stay aligned with your evolving purpose and vision.
- Pinpoint timing and create and doublecheck strategies.
- Optimize your position in negotiations or legal situations.
- Refine and economize your efforts.
Clarify a Vision of Your Business in The Intuition Age
Understand the shift from the Information Age to the Intuition Age—from old, linear, left-brain perception to the transformational spherical-holographic perception of the present moment. Examine how that can influence your thinking and actions about business motives, strategy, and operations. Be on the leading edge of thought leadership.
- Define a comprehensive, accurate, current vision statement for your career and/or company—one that will take you smoothly into the Intuition Age without stopping short. Get the help you need reinventing your career or business.
- Learn how intangible factors like energy frequencies and the inner blueprint can help solve personnel problems, assess prospective partnerships, opens channels for innovation, and materialize the resources you need.
- Broaden your perspective so you can make decisions more rapidly and holistically, taking into account physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual factors—so things don’t backfire on you later.
- Learn ways to shortcut the process of materializing the resources you need using the power of attention.
- Become comfortable making the “round trip” between the physical and nonphysical realms to access information, check the evolution of your vision, and revise plans regularly to remain on purpose.
What People Are Saying
“The highly creative and intuitive business insights Penney shared with me have truly been empowering. She helped me understand that my professional focus was not aligned with my inner purpose, and was instrumental in helping me identify and clarify my life purpose and goals within a new, compatible business enterprise. A large measure of the courage it took to develop my new business venture can be attributed to the inspiration I received from Penney. While her intuitive insights have always been clarifying, it was of utmost importance that they were provided in a warm and supportive manner with the greatest of integrity.”
—Chuck Wilhelm, President, Wilhelm & Associates, Creative & Environmental Management Consulting, San Jose, CA
“I am amazed at Penney’s deep insight and the kind of information she can tap into—both for me personally and in my work as a researcher. I have been trying to formulate an understanding of the relationship between information and physical, subtle, and spiritual energies. My interactions with Penney led me to pursue directions that have been very fruitful, avoiding several blind alleys. She clearly told me how some of these things may work, and in pursuing it, I found her information to be right on target.
Clearly it is her divine gift that provides her with the ability to access such information and her ability to communicate articulately that conveys the knowledge so precisely, and makes it so useful to us.”
—Ashok K. Agrawala, Prof. of Computer Science and Director, The MIND Lab, University of Maryland, Baltimore
“I highly recommend Penney Peirce as a consultant in organizational and professional/managerial development. She has accurately advised me on the behavioral trends a client organization appears to be following, and these insights on clients and prospective clients have enabled me to more profitably allocate my time and zero in on previously unacknowledged patterns that were impeding a group’s progress. With regards to her insights on my own professional development, she has an uncanny ability to discern deeper issues that need to be resolved before I can successfully implement something new.”
—Sylvia Wynn Lindeman, MBA, Organizational Development Consulant, Vallejo, CA
“I have used Penney’s guidance professionally in my capacity as senior Computer Scientist at the National Bureau of Standards, and later as System Security Engineering Manager for the Strategic Defense Initiative National Test Bed. She has consistently shown the ability to cut through to the heart of issues presented to her, to synthesize a large number of discrete facts, identify trends, and assist clients to position themselves to take maximum advantage of what is likely to be happening. I have never been disappointed with her advice.”
—Eugene F. Troy, Computer Security Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington, DC
“As a customer service consultant, trainer, and speaker to corporations and associations, Penney’s guidance—as well as her trainings—have been invaluable. I have worked with her for over ten years, and have adapted many of her outstanding concepts and insights for use in my customer service training. She is an exceptional person who has given me many tools to enhance my own perceptions and those of my corporate clients across the country.”
—JJ Lauderbaugh, President, Lauderbaugh Corporate Seminars, Los Gatos, CA

See and Sense More Deeply.
Clear Your Clutter.
Expose New Gifts.
Prepare for New Accomplishments.
Ongoing Intuitive Mentoring is like Life and Executive Coaching with added dimension and subtlety.
It is by engaging with subtlety that we move toward more complex, revealing, interrelated patterns. These patterns may relate to deeper causes of contracted, fixated habits that have been unconscious and which stall your growth. They may also relate to your hidden talents and gifts—many of which may want to be released to integrate into your current life.
We go beyond mental list-making and goal-setting to see how your thought habits and “personal frequency” affect results. You learn to read your reality for hidden messages. We engage in stimulating conversation and do exercises to find intuitive insights.
I stimulate positive change by asking unusual “wake-up” questions and providing a different angle on your thought process. I find the core ideas that block your highest expression and guide you to recenter repeatedly into your true purpose and vision.
You propel your own progress and make your own decisions. I attune to what you-the-soul are trying to accomplish. I keep you on a high-frequency track as your plan of action becomes clear, and recommend specific helpful practices. And, we laugh a lot!
- Harness subtle factors that speed progress and reduce energy drain. Clarify a sequence of actions, maintain perspective on difficult situations, and follow through on choices.
- Solve problems, make transitions, and get results using “Intuition Age” techniques that incorporate heightened sensitivity, frequency dynamics, and energy management.
- Improve your intuition, life balance, and spiritual aliveness. Maintain a spiritual practice and ask the questions that keep you honest and real.
- Treat your whole life as a single stream of soul expression. Recognize and correct tendencies to backslide into fear beliefs and behaviors, and take courageous, enthusiastic action.
What People Are Saying
“My initial session with Penney was insightful, practical, and related well to my abstract way of thinking. However, my mentoring experience with her taught me a new way of thinking and being. My old way is to figure out what makes the most money in the shortest period of time and do that. Penney coached me into trusting my desires, my joy, to talk about what I’m interested in, and do what’s fun. My life has dramatically changed for the better. The money’s not bad either!”
—Susan DePue, Chartered Life Under-writer, Financial Consultant, and Business Coach, Nashville, TN
“The burning issues I began our mentoring process with now seem irrelevant—after only two months! My life has shifted from an emphasis on anxiety about what was missing, to gratitude for what is showing up. Somewhere along the way, I changed from accommodating others to staking my claim. Since I’ve owned what I want, extraordinary things have happened. I have learned not to ‘work the problem’ so much as to trust that the next step will unfold without undue effort. I begin each day with the intention of experiencing more joy and ease. I now notice an increase in synchronicity in my life. I can access that part of myself that knows my truth and I shift gears from fear to knowing.”
—Beth Hughes, Teacher, San Jose, CA
“I mentored with Penney for two months, and it led to changes in my life that are both subtle and profound. So often when I work on spiritual issues, it’s difficult to give form to an elusive process that’s interfering with both my inner and outer success. This is where Penney excels. Her intelligence, intuition, and ability to connect gave me a rich experience full of tools for inner growth. Applying Penney’s suggestions has helped me have more clarity in all areas of my life. I’ve also found a delightful joy and calm which remains with me through most chaos. I highly recommend this experience!”
—Liv Myers, Social Worker, Director of a Rehab Center, Baltimore, MD