I wrote my first manuscript when I was a neophyte on the spiritual path, about 1979, and called it One Voice in Many. I have just found it again, in a beat-up file folder among records of long-ago classes I taught. It was typed on an old portable Olivetti typewriter, before the day of computers! What a surprise to meet myself again as I was perceiving the world back then. Some of it is naive, but some is quite fresh and simple.
We are caught in a whirlwind of reactive activity based on the dysfunctional logic of the distracting mind. But all dervishes rotate about a still core, an eye that is single. Notice synchronous timing and the grace that is possible, even within activity that is highly accelerated or chaotic. Love is instantaneous and miracles are absolutely natural. Keep this perspective and it keeps you in right relationship to the Divine.
You are a loving child and a cocreator with the Divine, working from a higher plan. The Love of the Divine is actually YOUR love, since in the end, as evolution completes, you discover that you, and all beings, ARE the Divine. The experience of love as your core identity inheres in your nature and cannot be prevented from becoming conscious.
There is no separation between you and the Divine, and there is only one energy that is the true substance of the Divine: LOVE. The path back into this experience is a sacred journey, each step is blessed, and your way home is cared for and tended to. None perish, all grow. All succeed on their paths, no matter how divergent or different their processes may seem from your own.
Doubt not in times of confusion; fear not in times of panic. Keep the still center. Know that a higher vision encompasses all, misses nothing, shines of you forever. There is no end, except to illusion.
Enlightenment is acknowledgment that this, right here, is the Kingdom of Light. It exists within and without, now, everywhere. It is not out in space nor at a distant time in some future. How much light we see within our own consciousness is how much light we are; and we are identifying with larger and larger spheres of light. As we identify ourselves more and more as the Divine, we have more and more influence in the earth as agents of transformation. Somehow, as we are ready, Spirit reveals more of our own light to our conscious mind. How does this happen? How are we paced in the remembrance of who we already are?
Enlightenment, or the end of evolution, is the degree to which consciousness is aware of itself. When fully aware, there is the end of observation. It is gratitude that opens you to the inflow of memory of these deep and true states, these experiences of core identity. Each step you take is a learning, an initiation, and a transition into new levels of seeing. Each step up the mountain gives a new view, each new seeding of a thought or memory into your conscious mind creates a new worldview.
Initiations occur commonly, every day, to everyone. Notice those things in your life that stand out—these are marker points, initiations. You no longer need to go into the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid for ceremonial revelations. Major revelatory experiences are right under your nose, sprinkled through daily life.
To find truth today you must use your inner senses and discern the finest levels of meaning in what occurs around you. Revelation comes from within; the Great Initiator of ancient times is no more, now that facilitator is YOU. There are, of course, nonphysical beings who assist your spiritual growth but in a larger sense they are aspects of you and your growth IS their growth as well. We are all learning to remember and become more of who we already are. Even to the highest ascended masters, where identity as “entity” exists, there is still separation from the Divine.
Revelation and initiation always bring heightened awareness that identity dissolves progressively into unity. So as you become more conscious, we all do. No light can increase its measure without increasing in like proportion everywhere. An initiation only frees you to live more fully within the laws of the universe and through that, to experience true freedom and peace. There is forever the same motion that you now call “work.” As you evolve, it is known as joy, as action taken in love.
Copyright by Penney Peirce; illustration by Charly Wrencher