I wrote my first manuscript when I was a neophyte on the spiritual path, about 1979, and called it One Voice in Many. I have just found it again, in a beat-up file folder among records of long-ago classes I taught. It was typed on an old portable Olivetti typewriter, before the day of computers! What a surprise to meet myself again as I was perceiving the world back then. Some of it is naive, but some is quite fresh and simple.
It’s all being directed by that inner guru, the divine spark that is me. What occurs as a thought, insight, flash, connection — these things are released into my consciousness like bubbles, out of the spark. They don’t come from outside. If someone else speaks an idea, I am still releasing it to my mind by having attracted that person into my space, and by being able to hear it at that particular time.
Everything I know now is what I need to work with, now. When I need new information or inspiration, it will be released into my mind at the right time. Nothing will be noticed until the appropriate moment. Premature exposure to knowledge can do no harm because nothing can be premature. Desires, too, are motivated from this inner spark. Seeds are planted from the inside and grow.
No one is against us. All spirit, the big unified self, is behind us in the process of growing ourselves. The mind has the important task of asking for more of the self or for what’s new, then applying attention, and holding the focus until the experience materializes as revelation. You can’t approach or reach an experience of self because it’s not separate. It is always there and you, as your personality, are a subset of it, inside it. You can’t describe it or visualize it or communicate it because to do so requires separation.
You can’t do it or not do it. You can only be it. When you let go, form disappears and consciousness remains. The tension of focus is what creates form. In order for you to exist in form, some greater consciousness, some greater experience of a greater self, maintains you in focus. Dissolve into the self. Remove focus. Surprise! The self creates you anew. If you don’t interfere with this rocking, you expand. This is happening every instant, in and out like breath. The self breathes you in and out.
Copyright by Penney Peirce