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Read Penney’s Oracle & Wisdom Letters!
I write one or two letters each year to tune in to what’s going on under the surface of the world in our personal and collective transformation process.

The word for this year is Trust. We are seeing a rapid intensification of frequency on the planet and in ourselves, polarizing people much more than ever before. For those opening to the reality of the nonphysical realms, many spiritual gifts and much understanding will suddenly be revealed. Clearing can happen in the blink of an eye. Others, in resistance to the acceleration will become even more polarized with negativity against what they see as threatening.
The energy of 2023 is intense and it will bring all the expansion we can handle along with possible overwhelm. We will play with the idea of identity, seeing it as a tool—all while releasing past identity so we can be whatever is called forth in each moment. 2023 is part of a grand ego-death process on earth—we are beginning to experience real transformation, and that requires the equal, balanced use of both the left and right brain hemispheres. The word for the year is Generosity.
The phrase for the year is Energy Conversion; we’re seeing forward movement of both innovation and spiritual revelation AND the resistance to change and the experience of the lower emotional realm’s subconscious fear-thoughts penetrating a large proportion of the world’s people who think it’s “reality.”
2022 Summer Solstice
At this point, it may seem like we’re devolving. It’s easy to look at each small symptom of the acceleration, and panic. It’s difficult to see the big picture because so many of the more minor events are gathering, surfacing, and affecting us physically, emotionally, and mentally.
The word for the year is Rebirth; energy is moving and things are going to lighten up; much innovation and healing of anger wounds. Yes, a rough start and much need for smoothing out and recentering, but the Age of Aquarius brings movement toward authenticity and socially relevant developments.
The word for the year in Bifurcation. There will be much searching of (and for) the soul, much need for heightened intuition and trust in the flow of life’s unfolding. We won’t be after the one thing that is the answer, but a way of accurately translating our soul loves and motives into our personality’s actions and experiences.
It’s normal these days to feel exaggerated cycles of being revved up, then held back by some circumstance, then thrust into a sudden release of energy-and-consciousness, which might be either a burst of innovation and productivity or something like a trauma, accident, or loss that precipitates an opening for change.

If I relaxed and got out of my left brain, the wave poured through me without resistance and my body adapted quickly. But the accelerations kept surprising me, and I had to keep remembering: “Oh, it’s another energy wave! It’s not just me!” A friend who experienced something similar said, “It’s amazing that we are so afraid of our own light!”
As I cast my attention out ahead along that “line” into the “future,” I remembered that there are no more lines, there is no more future—there are only potential realities at higher frequencies in my present-moment “sphere,” and they can materialize easily when I place undivided attention on them.
It’s going to be a powerful time for education and innovation, and your ideas and viewpoints are needed. It’s important to share your insights now; talk to people! Be a thought leader. Move forward with confidence concerning new ventures. Don’t wait; don’t hold back due to false humility. But also, don’t try to do everything alone. We are entering a time of cocreation.
I began to be bored with telling people who I am based on what I do, where I’ve lived, and my accomplishments. And then, some part of me started commenting, Who is driving this car right now? Who is it who lives in Florida now? How did “I” get here? Who is walking down the hall? Is this person hungry? Is this person motivated to do the things she always has done?
I sense an unrolling of a red carpet. Last year we let go, realigned with something higher, and this year—sure, there’s more release and realignment work to do, the polishing—but now the opportunities that align with our new vibration are beginning to occur in our fields. It’s like Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda: “Stop the world.” Then it reappears, recreated from the true place.
We’re poised to continue this process of letting go of anything that deadens us or acts as interfering clutter between our soul’s clear guidance and our personality’s ability to translate that guidance into physical life. We want streamlined materialization and dematerialization. We want to receive the best win-win ideas and remain in joy through every phase of the creation process.
I’ve been learning that time truly is changing. It seems like it’s speeding up but really, the past and future are being swallowed by a vastly increasing ball of reality that we call the present moment. What is real about 2012 is what we choose to put our attention on right now. Get ahead of the emergence process, project beyond the surprising, arising edge of the new, and we will experience snags and illusion.

2012 Summer Solstice
I have had more people voicing the sentiment that they feel “stuck” than ever before. So many of us are aware that the old is really old, some sort of karma is completed, some preparatory stage is finalized, and something new, and perhaps totally different, is lurking near-at-hand that wants to surface and build momentum.
There is an underlying feeling of enthusiasm for something new and as yet undiscovered that will lead us into our destinies. The new flow may, however, bring movement to areas that have been deadlocked and the release may seem chaotic; it is not; it is evolutionary.
2011 Summer Solstice
We’re seeing the beginnings of various rebellions and revolutions. Where evolution cannot occur naturally, we will experience revolution. The end of one of the world’s great ego-driven, isolated men, Osama Bin Laden, marks a beginning of the rising sentiment against opportunistic, cruel dictators who have a strong agenda of hoarding power and wealth at the expense of the people they pretend to serve. This lack of soul experience is at their core instead of heart.
We need to shift to a soft way of knowing where we encompass more of what’s in each present moment with less hard focus on linear-ambitious learning, memorization, and proof-before-action. It doesn’t mean we won’t develop specific skills that require practice, but that we will focus, then dissolve, focus and dissolve, allowing the Flow to show us what we need to know, moment by moment.
2010 Summer Solstice
The earth is surrounded with an aura of consciousness, composed of the awareness of many beings, occupying many times and dimensions. Some are beings who have lived on earth, some have not and are simply interested in what is happening here. These Watchers and these Earth Ones create The Gathering.

Wisdom Letter 1
My left brain wants me to “produce” constantly and be busy and meaningful. My left brain tells me I’m bad for being lazy, not staying on top of every detail, and not marketing myself with a vengeance. But I have the sense that another part of me that enters my reality through my right brain and body is slowly taking over. My left brain doesn’t like that either. It tries to distract me from deep silence with any number of things that keep the shallowness alive.

Wisdom Letter 2
When I pulled my wits together and focused into the moment to see what was really happening underneath my sluggish reality—to “see through” the external symptoms—I realized that I needed to adjust my own vibration to a level that matched the new frequency around me. When I did, my experience of moving around felt smooth and slippery, like shooting down a greased sliding board.

Wisdom Letter 3
Look and feel deeply into your physical self and you can feel your nonphysical self refocusing your physical expression in a very intense way. Your inner blueprint has been updated in the spiritual realms—the higher frequencies of the nonphysical—and it is sliding down the spectrum into form now. It will not be stopped. If you try to “manage” it, it will cause accidents, snags, breakdowns, and suspensions.

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