In 2020, we carry on the work of “stepping into our power.” We start to understand what true personal power is. It’s not “power over,” but “power to”—power to collaborate, power to bring visions into accurate form, power to use compassion over force, power to feel into deeper wisdom and the eventual repercussions of unconscious behavior, power to face fear, shame, or loss and see through it to the real reality that functions by compassionate universal principles.

Women, non-macho men, minorities, the underprivileged, children, animals, plants, and the earth herself—all undervalued beings—will demand respect this year, and more than that, will exert their self-expression and authentic creative essence to make important impacts toward a positive, healthy world.

We’ll see that personal power is not about being recognized by plastering selfies across the internet and racking up the most “likes,” or by being angry and outraged (and proud of it!), or by making billions of dollars—it will be more evident that these are just some of the first steps to regaining a sense of self-esteem and open-heartedness. With the true sense of self—self-as-soul—comes natural ability to create and influence through love, respect, and mutual joyfulness. This is how we step into true personal power. This is how we change the world for the better, before it’s too late. 

Many individuals who haven’t yet, will break away from boring, routine, sacrificial jobs to seek something more in alignment with who they really are. There will be much searching of (and for) the soul, much need for heightened intuition and trust in the flow of life’s unfolding. We won’t be after the one thing that is the answer, but a way of accurately translating our soul loves and motives into our personality’s actions and experiences.

Those who have stepped into and calmly accepted their personal power to create, contribute, and have a positive impact will be propelled effortlessly into expanded productivity.

Read the entire 4-page pdf at

Read Penney’s previous Oracle Letters on the Oracle page of her website.