Remember: Superconscious guidance is always marked by love and is always empowering.
As we seek to apply intuition for practical purposes, I can think of few other applications as important as obtaining accurate guidance for ourselves and sharing our well-intentioned insights about others with them. As you begin practicing this intuitive skill, it will behoove you to make a quick check: How open are you to hearing the truth, either from within or without? Can you comfortably share your personal truth with others?
Superconscious guidance is easy to obtain. It’s available in every moment, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. You must only ask, look and listen. If you can’t for some reason recognize a superconscious message inside your own brain, rest assured that the higher powers will use a friend, a rival, a stranger, a license plate on a passing car, a billboard, a song lyric or an actor in a movie to speak your own higher mind to you. Similarly, you may unwittingly be used to speak important messages to others. Guidance is pouring out of all of us, in everything we say and do. So we must be willing to share and be ever on the alert to notice and respect the ideas of others.
Copyright by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, third edition