Excerpted from Penney Peirce’s book,
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
You Can Understand Transformation — Here’s the Mini-Series!
Let’s get a feel for the nine stages in the process of transformation and look at the symptoms of the way each one is showing up in your life and in society. Note that each step of the process naturally flows into the next and at each stage, you have a choice. You can resist and contract, stopping or slowing the flow to try to keep things at the old comfort level, which only stalls your progress, damming the river and creating more pressure and agitation. Or, you can trust that a higher sanity is directing the flow, that it’s just right for you, and surrender to having the experiences you need. As you let the flow move through you, the frequency of your body, emotions, and mind rises and you experience the benefits of each phase. The transformation process begins when:
1. Spirit Merges with Body, Emotions, and Mind
The physical, three-dimensional world we think of as reality is beginning to respond to an influx of high-frequency energy, much as a napping child might be lured from sleep by the intoxicating smell of cookies baking in the oven. The fourth dimension, the next level of awareness that’s just beyond you, is making itself known. Some say this is the result of distant cosmic events or a “plasma field” of cosmic energy passing through our part of the Milky Way. Whatever the cause, as the higher energy of this spiritual dimension drops “down” in frequency and begins to permeate your world, you stir and respond, stretching “up” in frequency, yearning for the mystery.
I feel excited and know there is more to life! I want something better!
You experience thinning boundaries between heaven and earth—lightening you up, accelerating your perception, and giving you the sensation of something important waiting for you behind a curtain. A process of interpenetration begins, coming in gradually intensifying waves, resulting in the 3eventual mergegr of the third and fourth dimensions. As you raise your consciousness and sensitivity levels, you catch glimpses of what’s coming.
One of the symptoms of this first stage is the emphasis on mind-body unity that we see in psychology, integrated medicine, athletics, and spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga. When mind and body become one, spirit or the soul is revealed, and you suddenly know it’s been inside and throughout everything all along. You have a revelation about what it really feels like to be in your body as your body and how conscious every cell is, and you immediately know your body’s instinctual response to any situation and why. You understand that everything physical is conscious in some way.
You may become interested in themes like attending church or spiritual groups, spiritualizing the mundane, being mindful, developing intuition, dreaming intentionally, finding your life purpose, and connecting with “supernatural” realms via crop circles, orbs, mediumship, religious mysticism, or near-death experiences. You might explore the subsurface foundations of life via physics, astronomy, microbiology, oceanography, and genetic research, or be interested in energetic power places or buried secrets — things like ancient mysteries, new medicines, extinct species, missing-link lifeforms, or inner-earth “civilizations.”
2. The Frequency of Life Increases in Every Way, Everywhere
As the spiritual frequency penetrates the physical world, which includes both the planet and your own physical body, it also saturates your mind and emotions. Your body revs to adapt to the higher vibration, which initially disturbs your comfort level. High-frequency energy activates both positive and negative emotions, which makes you more aware of them.
Your heart may pound or skip beats. You may experience waves of internal heat. Not only is your body hotter and buzzier, but now your feelings are more hyper and you may experience dramatic highs, lows, and erratic emotional releases. You become overly sensitive and electrical, and feel like you’re under pressure that never lets up. You may see how your own “heating up” process parallels global warming. It’s easy now to become intolerant of environmental noise, crowds, allergens, certain foods, or the media.
I feel shaky and nervous. Everything seems to bother me. My body aches.
I’m tired but can’t sleep. I want what I want right NOW!
You might experience a short attention span, short-term memory loss, lack of motivation, or disorientation. Physically, you can feel exhausted, be sick more than usual, or have more aches and pains. You might also feel hyperactive, impatient, irritable, and unable to relax. Insomnia is common, alternating with periods of sleeping like the dead. Many people retreat into their head to the familiarity of logic and the desire for unlimited access to information. It’s easy to become a slave to immediate gratification. You might try to escape your uncomfortable body by being absent-minded or living in a fantasy world, being distracted with problems and other people’s lives, or obsessing and worrying. There can be an increase in higher frequency “overactivity” malfunctions of the body like cancer, viruses, fevers, infections, rashes, allergies, ADHD, and nerve disorders.
The positive effects of this phase are that if you allow the high-frequency energy to flow through you and let your body adjust naturally, you experience more vitality and endurance, as well as greater awareness, which means higher frequency feelings (love, generosity, happiness, enthusiasm) and higher frequency thoughts and motivations (innovation, creativity, inspiration, forgiveness, service, healing). You then yearn to know more, explore the mysteries, and experience the soul. You understand how positive thinking and love can heal and you want to clean up your body (lose weight, detoxify, rejuvenate, exercise, move consciously and artfully).
3. The Personal and Collective Subconscious Mind Empties
As the vibratory rate of your emotions and physical body increases, subconscious blocks, which are fear-based emotions of low frequency, can no longer remain stored and suppressed. Low frequencies cannot exist in a field of high-frequency energy and awareness. The blockages respond like popcorn to heat, exploding up from their hiding places into your conscious mind. As they do, repressed memories surface and personal dramas and traumas occur, and old beliefs in limitation and negativity are unconsciously reenacted. You face shame, grief, terror, hatred, and the darkest corners of your psyche. You must decide to undertake the hero’s journey through the underworld, to penetrate into the subconscious and the unknown to find understanding. Naturally there is great resistance to doing this, and courage is required. At this stage it helps to know there are proven methods for moving ahead, the phase doesn’t last forever, and the things that are surfacing are not who you are.
Pessimism and dread tend to increase. Your dreams and fantasies become intense, even violent and frightening, and your worst-case scenarios may happen. You experience a destabilization of things that used to be in balance, anxiety and panic attacks, and you may think you’re going crazy or you’ve developed a personality disorder. Scandals, taboos, abuse, and skeletons in the closet are revealed in public. Secrecy and privacy are things of the past. You might experience explosions — aneurisms, road rage, domestic abuse, acts of terror, and volcanic eruptions — as the lid comes off the pressure cooker. Or you might develop chronic pain as memories of painful abuse surface.
I’m upset and afraid. Life is too intense and won’t let up.
My worst fears are taking shape. I can’t control myself!
As your subconscious mind opens like Pandora’s Box, you notice increased dualistic, either-or thinking. Fear beliefs are based on polarity. For example, “If I’m loud, I’ll be punished, so I must be silent.” You now begin to notice many polarities and their attached beliefs and emotions—good-bad, inside-outside, black-white, male-female, young-old, smart-stupid, beautiful-ugly, winner-loser, life-death. You learn how much willpower it takes to keep opposites separate, since the accelerated energy wants to connect them so they flow into, and turn into, each other — as in the figure-eight flow of the yin-yang symbol. When this happens, you experience the shadow side you’ve been resisting, then as the energy flow moves you on into the light side again, you see how the dark and light, in their positive aspects, actually feed energy into each other. But initially, the pressure of the energy highlights the blocks to the figure-eight flow—your prejudices, fixations, and resistances—wherever they exist in you.
Of course, it’s easier to see your unconscious fixations as they appear in other people and to think they exist only in the other: “I have to be quiet to be safe, so you’re bad for being so loud and needing so much attention.” You can’t tolerate, and want to reject things and people you feel are different from you—in looks, character, intelligence, skill, or energy level. You may feel threatened, betrayed, or jealous. You may blame and judge yourself and others, and become caught in endless flip-flopping in better-worse, attractive-repulsive, aggressive-defensive, or possessing-rejecting polarities.
There is an increase in argumentativeness, name-calling, us-vs.-them scenarios, and condemnation. Relationships, especially those based on lack of honesty and communication, have trouble, reach impasses, and break apart due to blame, criticalness, and refusal to change. You may experience divorce, legal conflict, problems with neighbors, family disputes, or a craving for the perfect soul mate. These things become more visible: hate crimes, torture, voyeurism, indulgence in taboos, reality TV, forensics and crime detection, bipartisan political pundits, caustic talk-show hosts, and psychotherapy. There can be an increase in chaos- and panic-related ailments like asthma, schizophrenia, bipolar and borderline disorders, or epilepsy.
The positive results of this phase are that if you allow the higher energy to flow through you and deal patiently and lovingly with the situations that arise, you learn you can’t avoid polarities you don’t like, but must allow every option to be part of life. You embrace the concept of “mirroring,” where what’s in me is also in you in some way, and vice versa. You learn to own both sides of any polarity, feel how they feed each other, and how you can receive energy and information from parts of yourself you’ve rejected. You gain awareness about your previously unconscious emotional triggers.
Copyright by Penney Peirce, from Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration