Excerpted from Penney Peirce’s book,
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
You Can Understand Transformation — Here’s the Mini-Series!
Let’s get a feel for the nine stages in the process of transformation and look at the symptoms of the way each one is showing up in your life and in society. Note that each step of the process naturally flows into the next and at each stage, you have a choice. You can resist and contract, stopping or slowing the flow to try to keep things at the old comfort level, which only stalls your progress, damming the river and creating more pressure and agitation. Or, you can trust that a higher sanity is directing the flow, that it’s just right for you, and surrender to having the experiences you need. As you let the flow move through you, the frequency of your body, emotions, and mind rises and you experience the benefits of each phase. The transformation process reaches a turning point at stage 6, and after that it’s uphill all the way!
4. You Retrench, Refortify, Resist, and Resuppress
Just as it looks like you might relieve yourself of the fear you’ve carried for years and heal emotional wounds once and for all, your ego—the aspect of your mind that’s rooted in fear and self-protection—steps in and screams, “I’m not ready to die!” It fights for preservation of the old difficult-but-familiar ways and vehemently avoids letting go and trusting. You plunge into survival behaviors — either fighting or fleeing — the ingenuity of which is staggering.
I do not have to change!
I am in my own world and I’m right!
If you’re a fighter, you might make yourself feel invulnerable and large in a tank-like SUV or opulent home, or take on the world with aggressive workaholism and fixed mental belief systems, or drink lots of strong coffee. You might champion your personality, rugged individualism, and patriotism, and be more self-righteous, boastful, narcissistic, enraged, or even violent. You might want to be famous, powerful, rich, or have cosmetic surgery and flashy possessions. You might seek security by controlling your environment and others, and when you realize you can’t control everything, you might assume an attitude of toughness, cynicism, sarcasm, or belligerent apathy and disrespect, making it cool and right to do inappropriate, unkind, and amoral things if you want to. Patriarchal power structures like government, the military, business, and religion desperately and cleverly exert influence over others and maintain control with seduction, hypnosis, bald-faced lies, and magnification of fear.
People are driving me crazy. They should just go away!
I feel trapped in conflict.
If you’re conflict-avoidant, you may resuppress threatening ideas, resist change, crave safety, retreat into a perfectly decorated cozy home with a giant television, or into relationships with parents or authoritative parental substitutes. You might eat more or less, gain weight with comfort foods or become anorexic, and numb yourself with audio and video piped directly into your head via tiny gadgets. Maybe you pretend there’s no problem by maintaining a cheery persona, or escape into nostalgia for the past, future trends, fantasies of other worlds, or even become suicidal. You may feel you are finished with life on earth and want to join the angels or extraterrestrials. There is an increase in underactivity and resistance ailments like obsessive-compulsive disorder, stroke, bone disorders, arthritis, organ failures, addiction, depression, various kinds of paralysis, and exhaustion syndromes.
The positive results of this phase are that you’re likely to experience sudden breakthroughs in all areas of your life, including healing insights about your wounds. Problems stemming from a difficult childhood can actually evaporate, isolation can give way to nurturing cooperation with others, and things that used to make you react vehemently now hardly bother you. You also see through the chaos that others are caught in, don’t buy in to the seductions, and find your own way forward with greater clarity.
5. Old Structures Break Down and Dissolve
We can only resist the inevitable for so long. As we experience ego death, at a personal and societal level, many people panic, thinking this is the end of the world. Yet it is not — it’s just the snake shedding its skin. What’s really happening is that the way you identify yourself is changing from a limited self to a very expanded one. If you act in an isolating, self-protective, controlling, or attacking way, these methods create instant negative repercussions now. It’s good at this point to seek help from a friend, therapist, minister, guru, twelve-step program, or the angels.
I need to change because nothing is working.
I have to let go. I don’t know who I am!
As you learn to clear your fear-based past, many things you thought were important and the ways you made your life meaningful, pale and become useless, even boring, and you let them go. Relationships based on codependency end. Old methods fail to produce results. Old habits die and old institutions become hamstrung and collapse. You notice more lies, disbelief, hollow stories, boring opportunities, untalented people, artless art, and pathetic attempts to cover personal weaknesses. You may feel disgusted. Your pet ideas, beliefs, and worldview won’t hold water. You’re sick of hearing yourself recite the litany of your own history and feel limited by it.
If you cling to people, possessions, situations, ideas, or habits, you are forced to let go. You may experience dramatic financial losses or bankruptcy, or lose your job, house, friends, dog or cat, or family. You may have more deaths in your life than ever before. Your well-laid plans might change because of circumstances beyond your control. Similarly, any ways society acts egotistically — dominating politicians, outrageously paid CEOs, the worship of privileged celebrities, or the church protecting pedophile priests — must fail and give way to new high-frequency behaviors.
As old forms dissolve, you might experience disillusionment. You may have little certainty left about who you are, what you can rely on, or why you’re here. You might have fuzzy boundaries and be open to invasion of all kinds — by germs, parasites, allergens, dominating friends, thieves, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and nonphysical entities. You may be forced to stop, perhaps by falling, having an accident or injury. Your body can be susceptible to loss-of-control ailments such as fainting, diarrhea, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or multiple sclerosis. Other themes to surface might be: stock market crashes, public figures who fall from favor, chaos theory, black holes, death and life-after-death, Armageddon, reincarnation, transformation, the hero’s journey, monsters and otherworldly creatures, ghosts, angels, forgiveness, fasting, and spiritual healing.
The positive results of this phase are that if you allow the dissolution of the things you don’t need, you find that external rules aren’t so necessary, that you’re being directed from inside yourself and you see that you’re living by inherent universal principles of natural harmony and order. You experience being guided effortlessly by your own highest wisdom. The failure of old structures is a natural way that life is preparing you for your new self.
6. You Enter the Void and Find Your Truest Self
You finally reach a point where you stop fighting and struggling. Nothing’s working. Perhaps you hit bottom or a mysterious enlightening moment sweeps through you one day, revealing the simple truth. You are sucked entirely into the present moment away from your controlling ego. You can’t make yourself do the things that used to work so well, and you experience the first real sense of your soul’s vibration. There is simplicity, spaciousness, quiet, freedom, and peace. As you first encounter this state, however, it may feel like emptiness and your mind may panic and jump away, back to busyness and comfortable behaviors and ideas. As you let things be, you experience the profundity of your own being, and the experience transforms into one of relief, grace, and ultimately, joy. Suddenly you know who you are with your entire body! You’ve let go, found true center, and it feels great! Ego? Who needs it! You’re fine, fantastic, in fact — just as you are. You’ve reached “the end of progress.” Doing more is not the answer.
Now you enter a period during which you may have very little motivation, feel like you’re in limbo, crave time in nature or by yourself, or question everything you’ve done so far and your goals, as they no longer seem to fit or be interesting. You don’t fall into victim thinking about these things; you’re much more neutral, as though you’re a scientist observing some alien lifeform. You focus on unconditionally accepting yourself, others, and life, and on letting go and trusting — everything. This is a time of ripening in which you saturate with the frequency of your soul and receive clear yet subtle signals directly from your core. It helps now to enter your body in a fuller way, to activate sensory and artistic awareness, appreciate beauty and simple pleasures, and take action that allows innocent childlike involvement.
When I let go, it feels good! I can feel my real self everywhere
and I love it! In fact, I prefer it, and from now on I refuse
to sacrifice this experience for anything.
In the relative stillness, you may feel that your priorities, belief systems, and molecules are being rearranged, that you’re being “rewired.” You recognize the last remnants of what’s untrue about your life and determine to disengage from participating inauthentically in the world. It may become obvious that you don’t fit well with the rest of society and you must resist the pressure from others to revert to familiar habits.
It is key to find a “felt sense” of your core self now — an experience of your home frequency, or your highest personal vibration—so you can repeatedly choose it and recenter into it whenever you drift too far and become confused. As this experience of being “at-home-in-the-center” becomes routine, you entitle yourself to prefer your new self and new reality; this is the crucial turning point where you intentionally choose who you want to be and what kind of world you want to live in. You become interested in things like the power of now, the law of attraction, meditation, centering, authenticity, the void, the soul, prayer, devotion, blessings, renewal, visionquests, and all forms of spiritual practice.
The positive results of this phase are that once you make this choice, the tide turns and you life, health, and happiness improve dramatically. You see how much better you feel physically and emotionally, how much easier it is to be creative and successful. You’re receptive to insight, remember long-forgotten truthss about yourself, and gain great understanding, often all at once. Now it’s just a matter of practicing the new habit of staying in your home frequency and managing the level of your energy and awareness.
Copyright by Penney Peirce, from Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration