Excerpted from Penney Peirce’s book,
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
You Can Understand Transformation — Here’s the Mini-Series!
Let’s get a feel for the nine stages in the process of transformation and look at the symptoms of the way each one is showing up in your life and in society. Note that each step of the process naturally flows into the next and at each stage, you have a choice. You can resist and contract, stopping or slowing the flow to try to keep things at the old comfort level, which only stalls your progress, damming the river and creating more pressure and agitation. Or, you can trust that a higher sanity is directing the flow, that it’s just right for you, and surrender to having the experiences you need. As you let the flow move through you, the frequency of your body, emotions, and mind rises and you experience the benefits of each phase. After the big turning point in phase 6, there are no more disruptive effects on your energy and awareness. It’s all “up” from here!
7. You Re-emerge into the World Like the Phoenix
Part of identifying yourself with your soul’s vibration is that your perception shifts from old self to new self and life behaves differently. Now you don’t need to use will power to make life work — you see it’s already working perfectly. You understand that you’re interconnected with everyone and everything in a mutually supportive state and that life helps you do and have whatever you need. You reexamine everything in your life, hold it up to a new standard, and make radical revisions. You become interested in self-fulfillment and self-responsibility, are “full of yourself” in the best sense, and want to do something innovative that coes from the cocreation of your body, mind, and soul.
I remember what I am here for and now I want to get on with it!
I’m excited about my own destiny!
I can easily hold my new frequency,
even when other people vibrate at a lower level.
As you see others who haven’t yet made the shift, you don’t fear them as powerful wet blankets who can bring you down. Instead you take the role of teacher, healer, or mentor and use your higher frequency for the greater good. You are hopeful, enthusiastic, optimistic, faithful, and inspired. Innovation abounds. You are motivated to recognize your your destiny, engage with it fully, and live it. You look deeply for the work and self-expression you’re “built for,” honor the “deep tendencies” that have been present in you from birth, and eliminate any driving motives so you can find natural effortless expression. Now it’s a top priority to develop intuition, keep your heart open and soft, and discover surprising new directions, locations, and benefactors that occur in the absence of fear. You receive support, messages, opportunities, and miracles, and feel deserving and encouraged.
Your most real motive is not to accomplish goals, but to be multifaceted and so saturated into the world, so in the flow, that you might even be able to shapeshift if life decides to send you in a radical new direction. Materializing goals along the way is much easier and more fun, and your concept of time totally changes as past and future disappear into an expanded present moment.
8. Relationship, Family, and Group Experience Are Revolutionized
Now, you feel how intimately individual and collective consciousness interpenetrate each other and know yourself as both a personal self (me) and a collective self (us). You feel how you and others affect each others’ lives. That makes you want to be responsible for your actions and thoughts as a way to be kind to others. You don’t have to remember to practice the Golden Rule because it’s painful not to do so.
I can use my new frequency knowledge
to expand my relationships exponentially!
Other people love to help me, and I love to help them!
You are more tolerant and humanitarian. You see similarities between people and can hold differences as interesting and valuable. You work cooperatively from a feeling of fellowship and kinship, see your relationships as aspects of yourself, and are able to freely give and receive as the flow dictates. This has a profound affect on your sense of abundance and what is provided for you, empowering you to be more imaginative, creative, and productive because you know you have help and you know others need your help.
You develop a new understanding of yin/receptive and yang/dynamic energy, and the left and right brain. You learn to balance yourself with equal development of your receptive-intuitive-sourcing side and your active-focusing-creating side so your perception can be more fluid, creative, and perpetually renewed. As you understand the balance of ying and yang consciousness and energy, you draw parallels between these qualities and the male-female gender dynamics in relationships. You find a new awareness about what’s possible in relationships between two internally balanced people, along with new behavior possibilities for both genders.
You are more calm and compassionate concerning the forming and ending of relationships as you feel the souls’ purposes for coming together and moving apart. You may often be overwhelmed by the sheer magnificence of love. You may notice a broadening of the definitions of marriage, family, teamwork, organizationals, and even international politics. Collaboration, cross-pollination, sharing, role reversals, and a shift in profit motive occur, along with a proliferation of new partnerings, networks, and rapid globalization.
You are authentically yourself, without having to struggle, and at the same time you can work with the merged group mind in any team to arrive at more complex, complete, high-frequency answers, innovations, and joyful social experiences. You learn to modulate your personal frequency to match other people, groups, places, time periods, and dimensions, increasing your understanding and wisdom dramatically. This enables you to stretch into actual contact with nonphysical beings, spiritual councils, your soul group, and people who have died. You become adept in what previously were considered paranormal or supernatural consciousness skills that involve bridging and resonance, such as telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance, spiritual healing, and psychokinesis(moving objects with your mind).
9. Enlightenment Is Grounded into Every Bit of Matter
With inspired collaboration and cocreation come shared wisdom and unbounded appreciation. Love is truly understood as the force of nature consistent throughout the cosmos, capable of miraculous things. When helping others is what you choose to do with your freedom, great nurturing is experienced by all.
I feel free and unlimited! I can come and go
through time, space, and beyond as I please.
I can create anything and know anything instantly!
Personally, you take positive steps to act on your destiny impulses and find childlike joy in achieving results based on the soul’s wisdom. When you’re in the moment, in the heart, in the body, and connected to all knowledge, energy, resources, and collaborators, you understand the power of the unified field to help you materialize your visions. You discover how the creation-materialization process works and experience the unified field as an extension of your own body. Since the outside world isn’t separate from you, your visions, goals, resources, and results — what used to be in the future or in another location — are in the moment with you, and thus they can materialize and dematerialize in response to thought. Life is not just fast, it’s instantaneous, yet you don’t feel pressured. You know how to work calmly with the natural filtering system of the present moment and the lens of your conscious mind and body.
You learn that your destiny evolves, based on your interconnection to other souls and their destinies, and you discover new ways to plan and achieve goals in a fluid world. Birth and death lose their meaning as the great punctuation marks in life; you have the experience of coming and going as you please via ascension and descension. Your body is much lighter and more transparent and you know the experience of heaven on earth.
Copyright by Penney Peirce, from Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
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