The Quickening: Heaven and Earth Come Together
The frequency of energy and consciousness rises, and the amount of what we can know and do increases. Life becomes intense as our comfort zone stretches, and the pitch builds to the breaking point.
We experience thinning boundaries between heaven and earth; the fourth dimension of spirit is gradually merging with the third dimension of matter, which raises the “frequency” of the physical world and of our bodies, lightening us up and accelerating our perception. Our bodies rev to adapt to the higher vibration, which initially disturbs our comfort level.
We become overly sensitive, buzzy, and electrical, experience shorter attention spans, hyperactivity, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, and the inability to relax. The higher energy flows into our world in successive waves of heightening intensification that can make us oscillate in manic-depressive cycles of activity. We feel speedy, impatient, and live more in our heads; it’s easy to become trapped in logic, intellect, and data processing. If we try to keep things at the old comfort level, we dam the river and our bodies become even more pressurized and agitated. Then we drop into the trough, exhausted or sick, with no motivation. We can experience an increase in higher frequency, “overactivity” malfunctions of the body like cancer, viruses, fevers, infections, rashes, and nerve disorders or “underactivity” disorders like chronic fatigue syndrome, mononucleosis, or hypothyroidism.
Higher frequency energy activates both positive and negative emotions, which makes us more aware of them. Not only are our bodies buzzing, but now our emotions become more hyper. We experience pronounced highs and lows, become slaves to drama, action, immediate gratification, social activity, success at work, and ways to relieve stress rapidly. We may try to leave our uncomfortable body by becoming absent-minded, distracted with problems and other people, living in fantasy worlds, or obsessing over thoughts that we’ll never keep up, aren’t good enough, or won’t be recognized for who we are. We might numb the buzz with addictions, fall into depression, or experience nervous breakdowns.
As we allow the new energies to flow through unimpeded and let our bodies adjust naturally, we experience greater vitality and endurance, as well as greater awareness, which means higher frequency feelings (love, generosity, happiness) and higher frequency thoughts and motivations (forgiveness, service, healing, creativity). We then yearn to know more, explore the mysteries, experience the soul. As the body frequency approaches the emotional and mental frequencies, we become aware that the body is conscious (a kind of mind), understand how positive thinking and love can heal, become actively intuitive, and want to clean up the body (lose weight, detoxify, exercise, move consciously and artfully) and look healthy and beautiful.
As mind and body merge, we become aware that spirit or soul has been saturated into the very fabric of the body all along, that we don’t need to leave “home” to find the highest experience and most accurate guidance. We have a revelation about what it really feels like to be in the body AS the body, and are able to know clearly and immediately the body’s instinctual responses to any situation. We also see how the body can catalyze thought into form and it becomes our foremost friend and tool in creating the life we want.
During this phase of the evolution process, there is an interest in working out and following weight-loss or health-rejuvenating diets. This progresses to an emphasis on mind-body unity, especially visible in transpersonal psychology, integrated medicine, athletics, and spiritual practices like meditation and yoga. We become interested in spiritualizing the mundane, becoming mindful, having access to “supernatural” realms and the subsurface foundations of life known through physics, discovering more about mother earth and the goddess religions, and power places. We begin to understand that everything physical is conscious.
The Revelations: My body is conscious! My soul is in the body! I am my body! My body is connected to all other bodies and knows them directly! My body helps create what I want!
The Choice: I will keep my mind centered inside my body and ask my body for guidance before I make any choices.
Copyright by Penney Peirce