In the final phase of the evolution process, we explore how good we can feel and how successful we can be when we’re living in the frictionless state, having fully integrated our body, mind, emotions, and soul together into one expression and merged with the world around us. We also explore how society may transform in a way that parallels our own growth, and what it’s really like to live in enlightened times. What might happen in areas like the justice system, business, health care, international languages, religion, technology, energy, agriculture, consciousness development, and dying? We become well-acquainted with the soul’s real motives: creativity, service, celebration, learning, and growth. Our value system changes.
With inspired collaboration and cocreation comes shared knowledge. We don’t have to remember to practice the Golden Rule because it’s physically painful not to do so. Love is truly understood as THE force of nature consistent throughout the cosmos. When service is what we choose to do with our freedom, great nurturing is experienced by all. When we have an experience of unlimited provision, possibility, and permission, creativity soars to new heights and the advancement of global culture proceeds at lightspeed. Individual consciousness expands exponentially and includes everything—the lower and higher lifeforms and thoughtforms, and all the dimensions.
We become adept in what previously were considered paranormal or supernatural consciousness skills like telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance, spiritual healing, and psychokinesis. Humanity acknowledges beings from other dimensions and parallel realities as kin, works with the consciousness of minerals, elementals, plants, animals, and angels to develop unlimited energy sources, time travel, new forms of food, medicine, art, music, and science. We are interested in themes like extraterrestrial life, communication with nonphysical beings, ascension and descension vs. physical death and birth, interdimensional travel and communication, new mathematical systems, the renovation of DNA, and regeneration of physical structures and rapid materialization of new realities from their etheric “inner blueprints.”
The Revelations: It’s so joyful to be alive! It’s so easy to create, heal, and manifest whatever I-We want! I can be physical as long as I want to, and nonphysical as long as I want to!
The Choice: I will stay real. I will choose from love.
Copyright by Penney Peirce
Great concept to always chose from love.. Look for the joy in living to know then you are chosing right mindedness. Wonderful reminder to stay the course to and for love.😁