By centering in our body, life is lived more and more in the here-and-now; projecting into the future or retreating into what worked in the past, now drains and debilitates us because it stalls the outflow of creativity. We learn that perfect opportunities as well as the soul’s guidance, unlimited energy, and motivation come only in the moment.
We also learn that when we expand our awareness out through space, we also encompass more time—so our present moment can change size. As we learn to live in the elastic moment, past and future are understood to be part of the expanded Now. Other locations are seen to be part of the expanded Here. Symptoms are: increased interest in meditation, the power of now, global awareness (foreign experiences in our living rooms via media), and time travel.
Since the outside world is no longer separate from us, that means our vision, goals, resources, actions, and results—things that used to be in the future or in another location—are all in the moment with us, and thus we feel greater pressure to do and have things immediately. We think something and it feels real already, then we’re frustrated because it seems to take so long to happen. In other situations there is virtually no lag time between making a statement, whether it be positive or negative, and having it materialize.
We feel we have less time and experience time pressures. On the other hand, everything seems faster, more instantaneous, and there is more access to knowledge and energy, which intensifies our world even more as we experience information overload. We’re interested in speed reading, synopses of written material and bulleted lists, books on tape, faster internet speeds, and the tendency to live in cyberspace and virtual realities.
If we stay fully aware of being in the body, though, we develop the art of mindfulness, staying present, using the feminine mind, entering the intuitive state, and transforming situations with attention.
The Revelations: There is nothing but the present moment! Everything already exists in my here-and-now! The whole present moment is my soul expression!
The Choice: I will stay in the moment and let life occur inside me. I will engage with what I notice intuitively and follow my true urges.
Copyright by Penney Peirce