While we’re still gestating, becoming convinced that we are the soul, not the ego, we experience a transformational shift of perception, where our reality construct changes and life itself begins to behave differently. No longer is life based on feeling separate, afraid, and needing to use will power to make things happen. Now we understand we’re interrelated, mutually supportive, loving, and that life helps us do and have whatever we truly need.
Our model of perception first changes from a linear, horizontal one where everything we want and need seems to come from the world outside us, to a more “vertical” model where the archetypal sources of wisdom, love, and energy—Heaven-Father and Earth-Mother—flow from above and below (they are seen as frequencies) to merge in our heart. Now unlimited provision comes from within, from a centerpoint. When that happens, all centerpoints resonate with that integration—the core of every organ, every cell—within the body and in the myriad forms in the field around us. And we can easily merge our attention into any centerpoint and know that reality as our own.
The next quick shift comes as the heart expands equally in all directions and we realize consciousness is really spherical. We live in a “ball” that is our present moment, our reality, our conscious mind. Everything we can think of exists in the ball with us, and the ball constantly expands and contracts, depending on what we place attention on. So the ball is an imaginary kind of focus and we realize there actually is no outside world—because as soon as we have a new idea, our ball has already expanded to include it. The whole unified field is out body of knowledge, and it includes everything, every dimension, every being.
We are free to move in and out through the universal body of knowledge, using our new spherical heart-mind like a zoom lens on a camera, and we see how wonderfully complex we really are. We discover other worlds—the various dimensions of our consciousness—and can travel without leaving the safety of “home.” We are shifting from a reality where life has been like a donut—everything real has been “out there,” separate from us, and the center, where we actually reside, has seemed hollow and empty. We see how we lose touch with ourselves by projecting awareness into the “donut”—the past, future, other locations, and fictitious realities—creating the “empty self syndrome” which makes us feel powerless, fearful, dependent, and victimized.
In the soul’s new reality, everything exists inside the “donut hole” with us. When we’re centered, the donut hole changes to the living sphere that can expand and contract through time and space, and beyond.
We see how the old, linear, “unskillful” way of perceiving blocks the flow of soul and creates sacrifice, suffering, and paralysis while the new, holographic, “skillful” way creates joy, enthusiasm, and the experience of feeling lovable and unconditionally supported by life. We learn to consistently shift from the old, codependent, energy-draining, “mind-in-the-will” worldview into the new, cocreative, energy-generating “soul-in-the heart” one, where our sense of individuality changes from isolated ego to uniqueness-amidst-happy-diversity.
At this point we understand the metaphysical function of the heart as the place of the sacred hierogamus, or marriage. It is the integrator of all experiences, the revealer of truth and appropriateness, and the doorway between spirit-fourth dimension and matter-third dimension. We now place a high priority on keeping our heart open and soft. We’re interested in themes like transformation, holograms, the heart as seat of the soul, traveling through time and space in spherical vehicles, and the true meaning of “home.”
The Revelations: The world is not out there; it’s in me; it is me! I can be as big or small as I want; it’s just a matter of focus! I am free to know and be anything! My true consciousness resides in my heart!
The Choice: I will see life as a ball around me that expands and contracts according to my interest. I find truth and guidance in my heart.
Copyright by Penney PeirceÂ