We are reborn as a new holistic self with new knowledge, new perception, and a new reality. We practice living according to the soul’s wisdom and discover our destiny. The process begins its upward rise from old identity to the new authentic soul-self. We show up in the world again, with new enthusiasm and motivation based on the soul’s wisdom and intent. A new understanding about how life functions infuses everything we know. Now we don’t need to use will power to make life work—we see it’s already working perfectly. We become interested in self-fulfillment and self-responsibility, are “full of ourselves” in the best sense, and are overflowing with the desire to do something creative that comes from the cocreation of our soul and the divine. We are hopeful, enthusiastic, optimistic, faithful, and inspired. Innovation abounds in all areas of life.
We are motivated to recognize the soul’s true vision—our destiny—engage with it fully, and live it in each moment. We look deeply for the work and self-expression that we’re “built for,” developing more intuitive techniques to access inner guidance and open ourselves to new motivations and what’s possible in life. We understand the difference between life purpose (of the mind) and destiny (of the soul). There is much sorting of grain from chaff as we continue to feel that what used to make life meaningful no longer satisfies. We re-examine everything in our life, hold it up to a new standard, and make radical revisions.
We honor our “deep tendencies” that have been present from birth, eliminate any “driving motives” so we can find natural effortless expression, and we learn the difference between projecting ahead with the mind to find future direction vs. sensing the possible quantum leaps that might occur when the heart perceives truth. We discover surprising new directions, locations, and benefactors that might occur in the absence of fear and learn to receive support, opportunities, messages, and miracles—to feel deserving and encouraged in expressing our destiny.
We learn to give as unselfconsciously as we receive, keeping the flow of soul going. We have new motives—no longer do we need to accomplish goals—we want to be so saturated into the world, so in the flow, that we might shapeshift in the blink of an eye, if that’s what the world needs. We become multifaceted, capable of doing many things successfully, so we can flow easily in any direction that beckons. Enthusiasm replaces ambition.
The Revelations: I don’t HAVE to do anything, and I WANT to do everything I can! I am inheriting everything I’ve ever earned! I get to be and do my most favorite things!
The Choice: I will be aware of being responsive to my subtle urges and I will choose my thoughts and deeds according to my deepest comfort and joy.
Copyright by Penney Peirce