We take positive steps to act on our destiny impulses and learn there’s a new way to achieve results based on the soul’s reality. When we are in the moment, in the heart, in the body, and connected to all knowledge, all energy, all resources, all collaborators, there is a revelation of the power of the unified field, and how it helps us materialize our visions. We discover how the creation-materialization process works when there is faith in the interconnectedness and appropriateness of things. We learn to experience the unified field as an extension of our own body and how to seed our personal field or aura to attract what we need.
We also learn about the evolving nature of destiny, based on our interconnection to all other souls and their destinies, and discover a new way to plan, set, and achieve goals in a fluid world. We learn to check our higher vision often, and rock back and forth between our personal and collective self, weaving heaven and earth together. We learn to make authentic choices that support win-win solutions by asking questions like: What is my next courageous act? What desire comes from pure innocent fascination? What action is deeply comfortable? We learn that the materializing process can occur nearly instantaneously, that life is like an interactive holographic video game.
Once we’re familiar with the heart and unified field, and learn to move our consciousness freely out through the field, encompassing more reality, we understand how we not only belong in various collectives, but we can merge into them so much that their group mind becomes our mind. We begin to understand the full spectrum of Self, from “I am Me” to “I am Us,” as the individual and collective become interrelated and mutually sourcing. We feel how we affect each others’ lives, and become responsible for our actions and thoughts. We see relationships in an entirely new light, learn to work cooperatively from a feeling of fellowship and kinship, and redefine marriage, teamwork, organizational structures, and even international politics. There is a proliferation of new partnerings, collaborations, networks, and rapid globalization. Business develops new operating procedures.
Internally, we work with spiritual councils and collective “entities” or pools of knowledge. We see how soulgroups, oversouls, or soul families can be like stepping stones to higher identity. We are interested in themes like the group mind, collective consciousness, healing global suffering, the joy of nonsacrificial service, and sharing, barter, and philanthropy.
Revelations: The world and other people are helping me materialize my dreams! We’re all working together to evolve ourselves and life! I’m capable of so much more than I ever thought!
The Choice: I will be clear about what I want to create, and I will create what’s perfect for me. What’s perfect for me is also perfect for others, and vice versa.
Copyright by Penney Peirce