Not only did Sai Baba, who many consider a Christlike figure, die this past weekend, but I just have news that an old friend, John Kimmey, has also passed. John was dedicated to spreading the word about the Hopi prophecy and bringing transformation into reality. You can read about him at http://motherearthfathersky.org/john-kimmey-biography/#.XLc9_JNKgkg and http://www.http://motherearthfathersky.org/welcome/#.XLc9npNKgkh
I wonder how the passing of people who are major light-holders actually affects the planet and those of us still here in bodies. Perhaps as we become higher frequency ourselves, we will not feel them as gone, but still radiating their essence, in perhaps an even purer way, through the earth’s field, or energy body.
It makes me think of the many many souls who have incarnated during this time of transition, to assist others and the planet itself, in making the shift to higher frequency awareness and energy. Surely they themselves have benefited from the focused work, but I also think about the fact that they may not be in a physical body to experience what the final transformation will feel like on the planet. And is that something truly desirable?
Anyway. . .so my musings go. My deepest feeling is of gratitude for these lives, and the many other lives that may go unnoticed, of souls who dedicate themselves to helping the conscious evolution process. Bless you all.
Copyright by Penney Peirce