I took a teleclass on internet marketing hosted by 2 high-powered consultants-to-the-stars, reportedly raking in megabucks. One guy said he had hired a personal trainer to get him going at 6:30 in the morning and now he has even MORE energy to use for getting those big contracts! Every minute of the day is productive.
Wow! I finished the call thinking, “Should I be more like this? Am I too lazy?” Their pitch attracted nearly 400 people—obviously the promise of what they offer is seductive to many. But I wonder: what’s the motivation to make these spectacular amounts of money? To fulfill “outrageous goals in 90 days”?
They claim to be spiritually based. But aren’t they missing the power of BEING vs DOING? Aren’t they missing the simplicity, grace, and surprise of what “spirit” brings us as our next opportunity—even when our minds aren’t focused sharply with high intention and our goals aren’t crystallized by ad nauseam list-making?
I see that it can seem like generating high energy and chinkless intention are important to raise the body and personality in frequency so the best opportunities and results can occur. But the glitch is in the word “generating.” If we must operate by formulas and strategies, from the left brain, using jacked up will power, in my experience there is sure to be exhausti0on and eventua; failure. Focused will power gets results through effort, and even through a sort of hypnosis or trickery—in which the client/customer is basically overwhelmed with force: be it unrelenting charm, or a high-speed pitch, or even veiled threats like “You’ve got a lot to lose if you don’t buy this.”
Using will power, cleverness, and force means that you don’t trust yourself, the other person, the thing you’re offering, or the universe to work without extra power.
It seems to me that if we maintain natural enthusiasm, we also naturally stretch into what’s new, expand our comfort zone, and learn more. Then the universe makes the connections for us. The end goal is the joy of living, of seeing the uniqueness of each person, of fully occupying each moment—and not just having material abundance for fortification or ego’s sake.
Certainly there are mental techniques for arriving at and achieving goals but so much of it seems dry and bony to me; no juice, no flow, no water to wet the whistle. There are new ways to live into our destinies that we are just now discovering. Upon first glance they seem too easy or invisible, but in the end they are elegant and powerful. You can materialize anything you can imagine, and you can be connected with as many souls, consciously, as you want. It doesn’t take salesmanship; it’s a natural function of authentic self-expression, allowing yourself to be visible, and communicating without pressure to see if interests and needs are met.