My friend Karen and I got together one night to have a study group—just the 2 of us. We read passages from some books and settled into a theme concerning how we were going to call forth and materialize the next period of our lives.
She is good at manifesting things she needs, and I asked her how it feels when she’s in that particular flow. She said it was like a big faucet had been turned on, and she was in the stream of energy and it was doing everything. All her needs were taken care of, everything was perfect, and she could relax knowing that. So she went into the state, and I closed my eyes and went in with her.
Up ’til then, when I looked out into the world, I could only see a charcoal grey dense fog. The future was greyed out right up to my nose. But as we sat in the streaming energy and let it go out into the world as far as it wanted to, the fog began to clear. I could feel my own frequency rising to a high state, and slowly, I began to see lights and crossing lines of light. These, I knew, were people, situations, and events that were lining up to begin occurring in my world. They’d been there all along but I was only seeing the sludge. Was what I could see just a function of my energy level?
Indeed, over the next few days, I received phone calls from people I hadn’t thought about for ages, invitations to work in new places, go swimming at someone’s beautiful pool, and one person gave me a new book that I think will be important.
This realtes to an experience I had after my father died. I was talking to him in my head and he very clearly said to me, “Penney, everything is set up for you up here. You’re not asking for enough. Widen the bottom of the funnel.” And I sawa the funnel withits narrow bottom, widening to become a wide column—and then what was set up for me simple fell through. It had the same feeling as Karen’s open faucet. . .